Chapter 8

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Penelope's P. O. V:

Tonight is the night of the Pony Prom, and I already have my outfit ready.

I was walking to Bella's stall to groom her when I see Pin walking to Raven's stall, Marcus inside grooming the black mustang. I pause as he snaps at Zoe, "I'm not a charity case, alright?!"

Pin whirls away and spots me standing there. He goes to approach me but Zoe runs out after him. "Pin!" She calls, causing him to pause and whirl around.

"Mia told me why you asked me to the dance. You feel sorry for me."

"What? No, no, no, no! It's not like that—"

"Susie heard you, Zoe. Apparently I need to "lighten up,"" Pin says disdainfully.

"Okay. Yeah, I said that—" Zoe is cut off by Pin.

"I don't need you to look down on me!"

"I don't look down on you."

Pin says, "I'm not going to the dance with you. I think I'd rather go with Penelope."

"But—" Zoe begins, as I blink in surprise.

"I'm doing you a favour. Now you can go with Mr. Perfect," Pin quips, jerking his head to Raven's stall, glaring.

Pin comes over to me and joins me in Bella's stall, completely ignoring Zoe and Marcus. "Pin, what was that all about?" I ask as I tie the black quarter horse mare up and take out a comb for her mane as Pin picks up a body brush for her black coat.

"Apparently, Zoe thought I needed to "lighten up," so she decided to invite me to the dance just to make me feel better."

"I'm sure that's not it," I say, combing my horse's long mane.

"Are you going to the dance?" Pin questions, gazing at me.

"Yes, I am," I say.

"Well, do you want to go to the dance with me, then?" Pin asks, hope in his blue green eyes.

I gently squeeze his arm as I smile and say, "Of course. I mean, it makes sense since we're boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?"

He smiles as he says, "Right. So, then, I'll pick you up tonight for the dance?"

"Sure. Sounds great," I reply.

Pin gives a slight smile and he hangs out with me the rest of the morning. Pin helps me to tack up so I could practice on Bella.

I hug Pin after leading my horse out and take her to the arena where Zoe was just leaving with Raven.

"Pippa, have you come to practice?" Sam asks as I enter the arena.

"Yeah," I reply, putting the reins over Bella's head.

"Could you show me your progress?" Sam asks curiously.

"Sure!" I say, mounting my horse.

After a quick warm up, I canter Bella over the jump to the right side of the arena. We clear it with no problem. Sam grins as we head for the second, on the left side. Bella jumps over it cleanly. Then I steer her towards the water jump and steel myself.

We sail over it easily.

"Nicely done," Sam says, as I halt before her.

"All thanks to Marcus's helps."

"I'd love to see what you've been doing with your trick riding," Sam says.

I say mysteriously, "Sorry, Sam, but like everyone else, you'll have to wait til the County Show to see it."

Book 1: Horse Tricks (Pin Hawthorn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now