Chapter 11

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Penelope's P. O. V:

Marcus, Jade and Susie all had their Showjumping rounds and each cleared without faults. By the time the announcer was calling for my name, Zoe still hadn't showed up.

And Pin had vanished right after my trick riding performance with her, too.

I was really hoping my boyfriend could've stayed to watch my Showjumping round. Sadness and a hint of jealousy tug at my heart, but I shove them back.

I go to get changed into my blue Bright Fields jacket but keep my red shirt on underneath, and put my hair in a bun like Zoe's, before I get Bellatrix ready for our Showjumping round. I'd changed her trick riding gear for her English gear once I'd finished the performance, and had left the girth loose for Bella to breathe.

I tighten it and do her forelock up in a rosette and check everything before returning to the Showjumping arena for my round.

We get back to the arena just as the announcer calls, "This is the last call for Penelope Jones."

"Good luck, Pippa. You've got this," Jade says to me as I halt before the entrance to the arena.

I smile as I say in agreement, "I do." I kick my black quarter horse into a trot into the ring, and the crowd claps at my appearance. "Let's show the world what we can do, girl," I tell her, and Bella nickers in agreement.

I kick her into a strong canter and head for the first jump. There's a burst of applause as we clear it easily. I keep my attention between Bella's ears as we head for the second fence. Bella and I make our way smoothly through the course, the crowd cheering reverberating in my ears.

We eventually come upon the water jump, my heart thumping in my chest.

Bellatrix and I reach the final water jump and she leaps into the air.

The whole world seems to drown out of existence around me, and Bella and I seem to move in slow motion. Then, we hit the earth once more and the sound of the crowd cheering blasts into my ears.

No one cheers louder than Grandpa, Pin or Becky.


"And that was another clear round for Bright Fields from Penelope Jones!"

"Yes!! That's my Granddaughter!!" Grandpa was screaming while clapping and fist pumping the air in the stands next to Maggie as I trot Bellatrix to the gate, shock on my face but a grin as well.

We did it!

I halt Bellatrix outside the gate and see Pin standing there, grinning.

I dismount, and hug my quarter horse fiercely. Someone takes Bella back to the float while I rip off my helmet and throw myself onto my boyfriend in a hug. Pin catches me and spins me around, my feet lifting off the ground, the both of us laughing joyously.

"I did it! Did you see me?! Did you see me?! I did it!" I squeal before Pin sets me on the ground, hands resting on my waist.

It's been so long since I last did a Showjumping event, but we won!

"You were incredible, Pippa," He says, smiling widely. He adds, unwaveringly, his blue green gaze never leaving mine, "Pippa, I love you."

Everyone stares at us as my eyes widen. But, then I say happily, "I love you, too, Pin!"

Becky and the others were watching as I lean in and kiss Pin on his lips deeply, my left hand cupping the back of his head, ignoring Becky as she gasps.

"PinEnelope!! My ship has officially set sail! PinEnelope is so much better than PIa!" I could easily see Jade rolling her eyes at this.

I blush as we break the kiss.

Book 1: Horse Tricks (Pin Hawthorn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now