Chapter 9

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Penelope's P. O. V:

I walk to Raven's empty stall the next day in a short sleeved blue shirt with watermelons on it and blue jodhpurs, my hair in a ponytail with a set of watermelon jewellery. I'm also wearing my brown leather jacket.

 I'm also wearing my brown leather jacket

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"Zoe, Derek's here," Jade says softly to the Phillips who is standing in Raven's stall doorway, arms crossed

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"Zoe, Derek's here," Jade says softly to the Phillips who is standing in Raven's stall doorway, arms crossed.

I ask, "Are you okay, Zoe?" She nods silently.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about Raven. He's probably driving the truck back as we speak," Becky says in an attempt to cheer the African-American girl up.

"Come on. Let's go," I say with a jerk of my head. We join up with the others outside of Sam's office.

Sam asks Zoe, "Are you alright?" Zoe just nods silently.

"No—No, I'm not alright! Now, I've had two horses stolen," Mia says tersely, glaring.

"We're all upset. It's awful," Says Sam.

"Daddy's absolutely livid," Mia says as Susie nods in agreement. "He has a good mind to sue the stables."

"That's not going to help bring Raven home, is it?" Zoe asks.

"What's it to you? He's my horse!"

"Look! There were three guys the first time at the stables they tried to take him. The photographer guy must have been working with them! You should be questioning him right now!"

Derek apologises, "I'm sorry, Zoe. We don't have enough evidence to charge him. He was released this morning."

"What?!" Zoe and I exclaim in unison as we frown.

"Just let us deal with the investigation."

Zoe says sarcastically, "Yeah! The people let the main suspect go! Go ahead, do your job!"

"Zoe," Sam scolds. "The best thing we can do is carry on. We've got the County Show tomorrow."

"How can you even think that with Raven missing?" I demand to know, now glaring.

Book 1: Horse Tricks (Pin Hawthorn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now