After Gonta Exectation

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Shuichi POV:

"I didn't really care about Gonta" Kokichi said very happy "I just faked it gosh you people thought I cared" Kokichi replied again 

"H-how Dare you" Himiko said back to Kokichi "Aww little Himiko here is sad because she thought I killed Miu pathetic"

"Why you little-" Kaito said angry "Oh Kaito you look VERY mad I can say you're so pathetic and everyone here is pathetic" Kokichi replied back to Kaito 

"Thats enough Kokichi" I said having enough of Kokichi lies "Kaito here is by our side and look at you your not even in anyones side at all" I said to Kokichi "Kaito has been by My side throughout the killing game" I replied again 

"You're alone Kokichi and you always will be" I said 

"..." Kokichi was slient at first then "HAHAHAHA" Kokichi laugh insane "That was funny but the Killing game is supposed to be fun and entrainin-" then he stop and replied again "Nevermind you guys are all boring anyways" 

Then he walked off I just didn't understand him anymore *Cough* *Cough* I heard Kaito coughing and saw him coughing blood on his hands "Kaito are you alright" I said worried 

"I'm fine I just have a cold" Kaito said back "Kaito that not a cold and thats not a nomarl cold at all" Kibbo said and Maki said "I'll take Kaito back to his room you guys go" Maki said taking care of Kaito "I'll come with you" I said 

"No Shuichi I can Handle this" Maki said making sure I understand "O-ok" I said worried

Kokichi POV:

"Why..." I thought to myself why does everyone hates me? Why does everyone not understand me? Why did Shuichi say that to m-me? 

"You're alone Kokichi and you always will be"

I guess he's right but why do I feel guilty about this? Why do I feel guilt? Why? 

"why, why, why, why, WHY?"

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks "am I crying n-no i'm not supposed to have this feeling" "I am the U-ultimate S-s-supreme L-leader and a leader is n-not supposed to c-cry"

God I want this k-killing g-game to end the tears form more and I started to let my feeling out 

*the next morning*

"Ugh god my head hurts man" I went to the washroom to see my face covered up my by my hair and dried tears gosh my face is a mess...

Then I cleaned up myself and just before I wanted to leave I saw a knife "..." maybe I should not do it... it will just be stupid then I felt like I have to but maybe 1 or 2 cut could take my pain away a little

I grab the knife then 1 cut, then 2 cut then 3 cut to 4 cut "oww that hurts a little let me get the bandage"

After bandaging up his wrist and he left

Third person POV:

After Shuichi and everyone was in the dinning room everyone wondered where Kokichi was and Shuichi was wondering about yesterday fight or agrue with Kokichi and maybe thought that it was a little to far and wants to talk to Ouma 

"guys is it weird that Kokichi isn't here?" Kaito said

"Well he wouldn't bother us anymore so Its a good thing" Maki replied on Kaito Comment

"I don't want to be with Ouma h-he's annoying" Himiko said annoyed by Ouma 

"Guys I know that you guys hate Kokichi but he doesn't need to be hated so much" Shuichi said 

"Shuichi are you ok?" Maki said confused by Shuichi after what he had said

"Yes I am ok and why did say that?" Shuichi replied back confused as well 

"Because he's anno-" Maki got cut off by Ouma voice

"Gooooood morning~" Kokichi said happy tone 

"Oh not you little sh*t" Maki said very angry that kokichi is here

"Hello Ouma-kun I want to talk to you in private please" Shuichi said to Kokichi hoping he understand

"OK Shumai?" Kokichi replied back in a confuse tone

After Kokichi and Shuichi got out of the dining room they went to the library to talk "Why are we in the library Saihara-chan?" Kokichi said not being nervous at all "Kokichi where were you?" Shuichi said in a serious tone 

"Oh I was walking having a walk why? DO you really care about me" Kokichi said "Its not that but I was worried you might have died so I was making sure" Shuichi said not changing the subject 

"Me dead no no no I will never die I am the ultimate surpeme Leader" Kokichi said 

"Ouma look I don't want to agrue with you so I know that you don't care about Gonta or anything but I just want to know do you care about Gonta please just tell the truth and I'll leave you alone" Shuichi said very nicely to Kokichi wanting to know the truth behind it 

"..." Kokichi was quiet and replied again " care about Gonta..." he said quietly to Shuichi making sure he did not hear him 

"Kokichi you might have to speak a little louder please" Shuichi said not hearing properly what Kokichi had said 

"...I do care about Gonta and I don't want anyone knowing this ok Shuichi" Kokichi said to Shuichi that made Shuichi understanding what he meant and left and he blush a little by Kokichi using his first name like it was his first time and walked away

Ok guys thats the first one I'll make and I hope you liked it and If you want to know read more of the Not everything is a happy ending

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