↬ chapter 3 ↫

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..hey guys.. 

writers block has been a bitch.. I'm not even kidding when I tell u I have been working on this since the last update.. so this may not be like wonderful but yk.. I hope u guys like this sobs violently.

content warning for gore before we start!!

"But I am cleaning up so well, I am seeing in me now the things you swore you saw yourself"

"Alright, your total is $9.50-- you can put your card in now"

The male in front of me put his card in the reader, waiting but a second before hearing the familiar jingle of the machine, the hum of the receipt being printed out following suit.

I took the receipt from the machine, giving it a quick glance to make sure the card went through, before turning back to the man in front of the counter.

"Would you like your receipt with that, sir?"

He shook his head, lips quirking that asking smile that I knew would piss me off indefinitely.

"Also, can I get like ten of those ranch packets, too?"

Who the fuck needs ten ranches.

"Yeah, but I'll have to ring you up for them."

He sighed.

"No, like for free"

I groaned mentally, reminding myself I couldn't be rude to customers, before speaking.

"I can't give out product for free unfortunately, but your total would be $5.90 if you're sure you want them"

He grimaced, and I could feel the oncoming berate coming from miles away.

"No, but your yelp reviews are going down, that's for sure"

I gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"I can't wait"

He turned around, a look of distaste creasing his features as he walked out, to my pleasure, paid-for-product in hand.

"Have a good night-!"

I called out to him as he left, sickly-sweet irritation spiking my tone.

Hearing the door shut behind him, I sighed, eyeing at my sparsely filled tip-jar.

Tonight was not a good night.

My cold finger-tips drummed at the edge of the counter fervently, and my head hit my palm.

A call of my name from the back of the store caught my ears, and so, verifying no customers had just walked in, I made my way to the back.

My co-worker was a tiny fifteen year old that had started early within the year, with shaggy cut black hair and a tendency for lateness-- but regardless, they were a good worker and fun to be with.

"(Y/n)-- correct me if I'm wrong, but that man asked for ten ranches?"

I nodded quickly.

"Yep, ten."

I made my way over to the speaking colleague, who's name I wasn't really sure of, but I've worked with them much too long to ask.

They were making orders, slapping pizza's messily with toppings and prepping a bunch of pepperoni pizzas for later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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