3 (Adventures of Jessica..ft:school)

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Jessica, in a heart beat defended her friend Dia when she was getting teased by other students for being fat. Jessica was the only person in the class to support Dia and befriend her. They became very good friends as their mothers had a lot in common.They both loved jewellery, clothes ,shopping and talked alot about men. Jessica's school had a very peculiar system. There were only 2 girls and 14 boys. Jessica used to score high in exam but she never studied. How is this even possible? Teacher  of her class always showed them the answers of the questions when they were giving exams . Oblivious Jessica didnt know that exams werent conducted like this. Jessica's parents were also not aware about this and for Jessica it was normal...

However one day when Jessica was asked to answer a question by a teacher about multiplication and  she couldn't obviously answer the question, she was said to stand out  of the class and to hold her ears. Jessica was very strange. She went out of the class;taking huge strides with her tiny legs while her two pigtails bounced as she dashed out angrily. Jessica however, didn't stand outside and listened to what teacher said. She went outside of the school and took a seat beside the school's guard. She told him that she wants to go home. What was Jessica's reason for such behaviour? Jessica thought standing outside the class would tarnish her parents reputation in school and she didn't want that to happen as she was very obsessed and in love with her parents (lmao). When the class ended and the teacher came out she found jessica outside of school. She walked to her and said " what are you doing here?".  "I will go home" Jessica replied angrily. The teacher looked at Jessica in awe and asked her to go back to the class. Jessica was really something else.

Scary moments for Jessica

On a very fine day jessica encountered a teacher who looked really similar to a character in a hindi series Jessica used to watch with her mother. She asked her teacher if she was an actress or she used to act in a that hindi serial. The teacher burst into laughter and said she didn't. Innocent Jessica looked at her teacher in disbelief. She really thought she was an actress . After some time, while the maam was teaching  a  humongous spider, out of the the blue landed on the maam's scarf. ; makimg its way to her neck. The teacher screeched when the saw the spider and threw her scraf  on the floor. The spider then started crawling towards the students. The chaos began when the students started screaming, crying , started to push eachother while the monster length of 5cm was approaching them. The students dashed out the class ,pushing one another on the floor; still screaming. This very incident made Jessica " spider phobic".

Jessica used to find a guy in her class very odd. He used to behave weirdly and  abrupty. One day she saw him smash a mosquitoe with his huge hand which was sitting on his table really hard . The scarlet blood splattered on white table. Jessica looked at him with her mouth open . From that very day she was scared of this boy.

Very first crush

Jessica had a neighbour named John. He was of her age. They started off was enemies like typical  young boys and girls. They used to throw each other all sorts of things from their house. John used to throw clothes  ,empty bottles, his collection of toy cars and whatever he could find. Jessica was no less than him. She used to throw a bunch of things at him too. Eventually John became nice and they became friends. He used to wait infront of her house to play with her. They used to laugh, giggle and talk together all day long. Jessica liked his company alot. She could feel her cheeks getting heated up whenever they talked to him in phone. Before eid they always took the goats their parents' bought for a walk together. Her heartbeat used to magnify everytime she saw John. She realized she liked him as the charchers of the series she used to watch had the same symptoms as her .  John was her special one.

Hello guys!! Hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for more chapters .

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