Successful Heist equals More Trouble

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The group left the sewers through a trapdoor and onto the platform of the Lanes.

They walked through the dangerous side of the Lanes, their bag grapping the eyes of the desperate people down there. Claggor chuckled as latched himself onto Mylo who threw him off, but (Y/n) and Vi seemed to be tense as they saw the attention they were grabbing.

Just then they walked past a blond male playing with a big barrel.

"Nice haul?" The blond man asked as he played with a coin in between his fingers.

Mylo being the cocky bastard he is decided to answer the man. "You could say that." Mylo answered making the couple sigh.

"I heard there was some action across the river." The man informed the teenagers alerted them as the news that barely happened minutes ago was already out. "Someone, uh, someone really kicked the neat, huh?" He grinned, it gave (Y/n) bad vibes which made him try to get away from the man but when he was about to walk he saw two other blondes block their entrance.

They weren't here just for the good, they itched a fight.

"But now you're, you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets." The man chuckled.

"Your streets?" (Y/n) gave the man a glare over his shoulder.

"What makes you think--" Vi wanted to ask something but was cut off by Claggor who now also felt the strange vibes.

"Listen, we don't want any trouble, okay?"

"Hear that, Deckard? They don't want any trouble." A man with a plaster on his nose said revealing the blond man's name.

"You know, in my experience, trouble finds you. There's no reason this has to get ugly." Deckard gave the group a glare through his eyebrows, trying to intimidate them. "How about you share a little taste of your treasure there and we'll call it even?"

(Y/n) approached the man as he grabbed the bag off from Vi who seemed in shock thinking (Y/n) was giving in.

But as he got closer, his hair covered his eyes but when he lifted his face showing his death stare with which he installed fear into the dumb blondes.

But as he got closer, his hair covered his eyes but when he lifted his face showing his death stare with which he installed fear into the dumb blondes

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"Just a taste?" (Y/n) grinned, his lifeless eyes staring deep into Deckard's.

"J-Jus--" he didn't get to finish stuttering when he was smacked across the face. 

(Y/n) threw the bag towards Powder and rolled up his sleeve to take his stance, he held his hands up to guard his face and right leg lifted so that only his toes touch the ground, it made it easier for him to kick when needed which was now since (Y/n) kicked Deckard in the face sending the man into a pile of boxes.

"We earned that shit, you fucker." (Y/n) said as he stood waiting, his stance unchanged but he had to throw a quick 180° punch when he heard the running footsteps from behind him, his fist connected with the nose of a brown haired who yelped at his broken nose.

Conflicted Hearts: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now