April Fool's Day (Not Canon)

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(Y/n: Age 11)

In a tiny dark room that only had a streak of light escaping through the slit of the two curtains, the playful blue dinosaurs on the curtains indicated the room to be boyish and car toys and fake iron cast gauntlets laying helped prove the fact.

In the bed, as a boy peacefully sleeping, his smile implying happy dreams but all that was gonna be destroyed in three...two...one.

"Boo!" Two girly voices screamed which caused the boy to scream too but unfortunately, he had such a big fright that he fell off his bed and missed the two girls giggling as they ran out of the room.

His eyes started twitching when he realised what just occurred.

"Powder! Vi! I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled out towards his door but his eye only twitched much worse than before when he heard the giggles. "Man, I had such a nice dream." He muttered


(Y/n: Age 15)

"Hey Y/n what are you sneaking around for?" Vander's deep voice scared the boy which caused him to almost knock over a vase but he managed to catch it.


"What a-"

"Shhh! Listen." Y/n whispered, his eyes looking around the bar like he was in a jungle looking out for wild animals.

Vander shut his mouth and listened to what Y/n was hearing but he only chuckled upon hearing the giggles and rushing footsteps.

"You kids have fun, I'm popping over at Benzo's," Vander announced which drained all the colour from the boy's face.

"Wait!" Y/n softly muttered. "Don't leave me with the demons!." He muttered louder but slapped his mouth shut when he heard the same eerie noise as before.

"Get him good! Bye." Vander left as quickly as he came.

"Useless dad," Y/n muttered and decided to make a break for it. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes to focus on his goal. His room.

He took another deep breath and immediately started running but that proved to be the worse mistake he could've ever made because as he ran he slipped on something and felt a weird sticky substance shower onto his body, the smell was foul and disgusting to the point Y/n felt like throwing up.

"Oh my- enough." Y/n immediately stood up as he felt the vomit building up in his stomach, he abandoned his crime scene and went towards the bathroom to throw up his breakfast. "Ugh! What the hell was that?"

"That was Mylo and Claggor's pee." He heard a girl giggle and turned to see the two sisters giggling at the door while high five'ing.

His eyes started twitching when he realised what they just said.

"Jinx! Vi! I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled out towards the door but he closed his mouth when the foul smell made him sick again.

"Man, why did my dad leave me?" He mutters as he washed out his mouth.


(Y/n: Age 18)

"Y/n, you okay?" Asked Ekko as he took off his attention from the technology teacher, Mr Jayce, to focus on his scared friend.

"Do you not hear that?" Y/n asked, his figure visibly trembling while his shoe clacked loudly against the floor. His sweat dripped from his forehead to the workbook in front of them.

"Hear what?" Ekko tried to listen for anything but heard nothing.

Just then he heard it again, the sound of his demise approaching, the sound of the prank reaper knocking on his door. The giggle of the two sisters. "There it is again." He said covering his ears. "Listen man, If I die, delete my search history, and destroy the 'drive'." Y/n said as he grabbed Ekko's shoulders.

"You good man?"

"Yeah, I'm alright, I shouldn't be worried perhaps they will leave me alone this year." Y/n nervously chuckled and picked up his pen to write notes on the current subjects.


"Oh, Jinx and Vi--" just as Y/n pulled off the cap the pen began playing a voice message.

"April fool's day boyfriend!" Two voices yelled before the pen exploded. Just then he heard it, the sound of two prankers succeeding. The giggle of the two sisters.

"Alright, that's it." He yelled as he slammed his fist onto the table, his blue ink-covered face making the entire class laugh.

"Mister L/n, to the headmaster's office now!" Mr Talis yelled pointing his finger towards the door.

"Oh come on man," Y/n muttered.


(Y/n: Age 21)

"Couldn't Evenlynn choose a better time for me to return home?" Y/n muttered as he got out of the Piltover Taxi, his black travel suitcase resting by the side of his feet, he stared up at the modern house in front of him. The lights were off but he knew better than that. He wished the K/DA tour lasted longer which would've meant he would've been bodyguarding longer than usual, well it was worth it when they went to the Oscars to witness the greatest slap of all times.

"Welcome home, I guess." He sighed and walked to the front door, he pulled the keys from under the dwarf decoration that laid in front of their front door.

As soon as he opened his door all he received was the lights being turned on and both his wives standing in front of him in very large clothes.

"You girls aren't up to anything?" He questioned with his right eyebrow raised.

"Well...." The girls prolonged their sentence and pulled the back of their shirts to show off big bumps resting on their stomachs to confirm, Y/n's first thought, pink and blue confetti sudden shot out from somewhere onto his face.

"How far along are you two?" He asked.

"7 months." They answered with smiles, Y/n then realised the last time they did the deed was indeed 7 months ago.

"Oh, my g--I think I'm gonna pass out." Y/n started moving in a dizzy haze, his feet struggling to carry him.

But he was snapped out of it when he heard the girls' giggle and when he stared up he saw the was nothing and in their hands were fake pregnant bellies.

"April fool's day darling." The two laughed as they are high fived but used the fake bellies instead.

Y/n eyes twitched, his eyes seemed to darken as he stared up at the girls which caused them to immediately go silent.

"H-hey babe, it was just a joke." Vi apologised first as she saw the intense gaze she had gotten.

"Oh was it now?" He asked, his voice sounds jokey but the words weren't.

"Y-yes." Jink stuttered.

"Well how about we don't make it a joke then?" Y/n smirked as he saw the two girls' reddish cheeks. He chuckled as he stood up and rough grabbed their breast. "April fool's day." He chucked and lauged loudly when he saw the girl's faces both indicating annoyance.

"Y/n, I'm gonna kill you!" The sisters yelled out as they chased their husband around.


Yeah, no, I just had to.

See on the next chapter.

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