~ 20 Years Later ~

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“Taylor! You come back here right now before I call your father and tell him what you’ve been doing to your poor little sister!” I shout as my eleven year old son runs across the garden with his sister’s favourite doll. I’ve threatened him numerous times with ‘no dessert after tea tonight!’ and ‘no TV for a week!’ but they don’t work because he knows what I’m like. He’ll give me the puppy dog eyes and I’ll melt.

Taylor sticks his tongue out at me, throws the doll onto the trampoline and runs back. “There. Go get your doll.”

“Taylor, apologise to your sister right now,” I demand and Taylor’s features soften when his eyes reach Emma’s tear stained face. He pulls her into his arms and hugs her gently, whispering sorry in her ear. I smile at them both, happily.

Liam’s in America at the moment working. It’s my birthday tomorrow, and I know he won’t be back by then. He’s busy, and I bet they won’t be back for at least another week. One Direction are still big everywhere, even though they’re a lot older now. Twenty years have gone by, and Liam is now 39. We have two kids, Taylor and Emma. Taylor was the first; he’s eleven and a clone of Liam. He has the same nose, eyes and skin colour. Emma is my little girl, she’s eight and everyone seems to say looks a lot like me. Her hair is the same colour and her face shape is the same I suppose. She’s adorable. I love them both to bits.

I walk inside the house and into the kitchen to start making dinner. It’s past eight, and we’ve had just a busy night I’ve not had time to make tea. The kids run into the lounge to watch TV, and I hear them arguing over the remote. I presume Taylor has won (as usual) when Emma trots into the kitchen with a miserable look on her face.

“Taylor wouldn’t let me watch TV,” Emma says, pouting and slumping into a chair at the oak dinner table. I turn around and smile at her, but she doesn’t return it. “If Daddy were here he’d make Taylor share with me.”

I sigh. “You can watch TV after dinner. And then if you want, we can watch that new cartoon movie Darcy let us borrow. Sound good?”

Darcy is Jen and Harry’s little girl. She’s the same age as Emma, and they’re best friends. They do everything together, and I have to say they actually do look quite a lot alike. Harry and Jen have three sons as well, Sam Jack and Daniel. Sam is twenty, Jack is thirteen, whereas Daniel is only five. All their children are so cute, and nicely behaved. Well, Daniel has the odd tantrum but apart from that they’re fine!

Emma shrugs and rests her chin on her folded arms. “Mummy, when’s Daddy coming home? I want him to be home now.”

I blink back the tears that are threatening to escape. “He’ll be home soon baby.”

“But I want Daddy NOW,” Emma shouts and storms out of the room. I hear her run up the stairs and slam her bedroom door.

The tears escape and I cry my eyes out quietly, so Daniel won’t hear me. Liam’s been away for almost two weeks already and…I just can’t do it. It’s the summer holidays, and I’m not working at the moment. I’m home every day looking after Taylor and Emma. Driving them everywhere, playing with them, keeping them occupied. It’s hard when there’s no one to help you. I feel alone, and yes, I have Jen, Elise, Cat and Eleanor, but they’re not always around. Elise works part time, so her little boy is with Cat while she works. Eleanor works from home, and doesn’t seem to have any time to come over at the moment. Jen comes once a week, since she’s busy working from home all the time as well. But she has it easier since Jack is older and can look after Darcy and Daniel. I don’t have anyone to help.

I don’t call Liam, because he barely ever picks up anyway. He calls me when he has the free time. I know he tries his best, but sometimes he doesn’t even call. He didn’t call yesterday and he hasn’t called today either. He’s busy but I miss him. I need to hear his voice.

I wipe away my tears quickly, thinking I need to get a grip. Not for me, but for Taylor and Emma. They can’t see their mum like this. I pop my head around the living room door and tell Taylor we’re ordering pizza. He cheers, and I head upstairs to see if Emma is ok. I knock gently on her door, and when I get no reply I take that as a ticket to enter. I see her laid on her pink bedding crying softly into her pillow.

“Emma baby,” I gasp and run towards her. I sit down and pull her onto my lap. “Don’t cry baby. Please sweetie.”

Emma cries harder. “I want Daddy. Why won’t he come home? I’ve called him twenty times and he hasn’t picked up. Has Daddy left us? Mummy, is Daddy never coming home?”

I shake my head vigorously, and persuade myself not to burst into tears. “No Em, Daddy hasn’t left us. He loves you and Taylor so much, he’d never leave you. I’m sure he’ll be home soon. Just a bit longer! We just have to wait a little bit longer and he’ll be home. I promise.”

“If he loved me and Taylor, he’d have never left in the first place!” Emma shouts, and I pull her closer to me. I rock her gently from side to side, calming her down.

“He loves you so much Emma. I promise that’s the truth,” I tell her but she refuses to believe it’s true.

I hear a knock at the front door and I shout that I’ll be down in a minute. Footsteps sound and I know Taylor’s gone to answer it. I stand up, grabbing Emma’s hand and pulling her to follow me. We walk to the top of the stairs and look down. My breath catches in my throat and Emma screams so loudly my ears hurt.

“DADDY!” Emma shouts, running down the stair at full speed.

Liam grins, dumping his bags on the floor to catch Emma in his arms as she hurtles towards him. “EMMA!”

Taylor joins the hug and Liam hugs him close also. I run downstairs to join in the hug. My heartbeat is going so fast as Liam puts Emma down to hug me back tightly. I start crying, the tears trickling down my face.

“I thought you weren’t coming home for another week,” I breath once we’ve pulled back to look at each other.

Liam shakes his head and laughs, winding an arm around my waist and pulling Taylor and Emma towards him. “I couldn’t wait to see you all. And plus, how could I ever miss your birthday baby?!”

We all hug and I feel like my whole world has been lifted up. He’s home, and now I feel at home.



So yeah this is the end :) I hope you’ve really enjoyed this book and that it’s got better as it goes along. This is the first book I’ve ever written so don’t be too harsh on me! I’m so proud of this book and although it is VERY cheesy, this is how I imagine a relationship with Liam would be. I hope you respect that. Thank you so much for reading this! It really does mean the world! I’ve read every comment I get and thank you for that. I will be starting to upload a new fan fiction but it’s a surprise!


Jordan x :)

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