Patient as the Snow, Passionate as the Arrow

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The sound of your arrow sinking into the target 20 yards from your stance was something you always found satisfying. You let your breath out in a small, smooth motion. Chest deflating as you lower your arm that followed through behind your head and brought your bow down to your stomach from its previously raised position at chest level.

Looking down the way at the target, your shot was off from the center. Having gone so long practicing with your sword and not even touching a bow in the meantime, your archery skills have rusted and it irked you like an itch you couldn't scratch. Reaching over your shoulder, you delicately grabbed the end of another arrow that sat in the quiver you have slung over you and withdrew it.

As you brought the arrow over to your front and began to nock it, you were unaware of the set of red, golden-rimmed eyes that watched you from the engawa with wide pride.

The winter season was responsible for the thick coating of snow that covered the ground outside. Crunching under each of your thickly covered footsteps, you willed yourself to not shiver due to the frigid temperatures. Your many years as a kyūdō had steeled your resolve to ignore the elements of nature to the best of your ability even when you only dawned your kyūdō uniform just after a heavy snowfall.

All you ever wanted to be growing up was a kyūdōka, a master of martial arts archery. You had grown up around archers of all skills, some bad, others flawless and you looked up and acknowledge everyone's skill just for trying. Though, when you found yourself joining forces with the Demon Slayer Corps all those years back, things changed. They had to.

You had to let go of your bow and exchange it for the hilt of a sword that threatened to tear and rip open your already rough, archery-callused hands from the harsh training.

You had been traveling with Rengoku on orders delivered by your messenger crow to aid him on his next mission. You didn't mind, nor did he. You both were always on close terms with each other since you met and it was after one particularly rough mission that you both decided to begin pursuing each other romantically. So, time spent with him- even if it may be scarce because of your jobs, was always a reason to smile.

On the way, you both stopped by a large estate that was connected to and served the Corps as a stop for demon slayers to stop and rest before heading back out again on the seemingly never-ending missions.

The hostess of the estate was leading you and Rengoku to the temporary room you two would share until you departed again when you stopped along the engawa. You had spotted a row of well-worn targets and for some reason, it just made you completely halt.

Rengoku knew of your love of archery and when he turned to ask you why you had halted, his mouth gently shut again and he smiled at the pure yearning in your eyes as you looked out towards them.

The hashira had lifted his hand and placed it gently on your shoulder, bringing you out of your daydreaming as he smiled at you.

"Why not pick up a bow while we are here?" He suggested, and just as you were about to decline, not wanting to seem pushy or desperate about what you really wanted the hostess interjected.

"If you'd like, I will show you where we keep all of our archery equipment and uniforms." The woman was older, grey hairs speckled and mixed in with the original dark strands of her hair. Her kind and gentle expression were lined with the wrinkles of age, yet the elegance she carry kept her inner beauty at the forefront of her being.

You hoped to hold as much dignity and pride as her one day when you find yourself her age.

"That would be wonderful!" Rengoku exclaims delightfully for you.

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