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The content of this
creative writing (Fantasia)
is purely fictional and
that includes the
characters (dead or alive),
places, events, and more.

Any similarities and
such to real life scenarios is
not intentional.

Other than that
the story contains
typos, grammatical errors,
and more.
I would probably be
editing this but it
would not be happening
any time sooner.

Plagiarism is a crime.
(Plagiarism refers to any
fraudulent acts that entails
of claiming another person's idea, works, or publication violating intellectual property rights by stealing.)


Demi-humans, are people who can shape shift into animals. Birds, rabbits, hamsters, tigers, bears, and more.

They live inside their forest, a forest that no human has ever been. An undiscovered forest, hidden hundreds and thousands of kilometers below the Earth's crust.

They are only to follow one rule: Never go come in contact with any humans.

The demi-humans are a myth to the humans. For them they were just old fairy tales.

Humans and Demi-humans were never really good friends ever since the first age that they came into existence. The two were constant enemies.

The humans hunted their race down forcing them to hid deep, literally.

But there's always this one who's so curious and would break into a taboo place doesn't it? And her name is Fantasia.


January 13, 2022

date of prologue: April 01, 2022
date of epilogue:

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