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In response to Fu Changling's words, Qin Yan did not pursue the identity of the other person but simply asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Fu Changling nodded, "don't worry, he's a good person."

Hearing this made Qin Yan frown as if he wanted to ask something, but he ultimately withdrew all of his questions.

They both made their way back to the Wu Mansion, and neither of them said a word.

In his mind, Fu Changling kept thinking of the face of the person he had just seen and of those eyes.

It was uncannily similar to the Yan Ming he had dreamed of as a teenager.

He was aware that Yan Ming was in the secret realm, but he didn't have high hopes either. After all, he had been reborn, so perhaps some things would change in this new life. Little did he know that Yan Ming would really still be there or that he would actually run into him.

The encounter with Yan Ming again caused him some emotional turmoil, so when he got back to the Wu Mansion, he bid Qin Yan good night, put out the light, and went to bed early. Each to his own bed.

Yet he didn't doze off. In the middle of the night, while listening to Qin Yan's breathing, he took out the jade pendant and stroked the name on it.

Looking at that name brought back memories of the wind and snow when he was a teenager, as well as that person in the blizzard.

Yan Ming was the first person who treated him well when he was a teenager, without expecting anything in return.

Fu Changling couldn't help but smile at the thought of that time.

He remembered being betrayed by his stepmother, falling into the Xuanji Secret Realm, and going blind when Yan Ming came to his rescue when he was at his most vulnerable.

He was actually very terrified when he was first rescued by Yan Ming. He didn't know how long Yan Ming would protect him, but he knew that this was the Xuanji Secret Realm from Yan Ming. Despite the fact that he had never been to the Xuanji Secret Realm, he had heard about its dangers. He was grateful that Yan Ming was willing to save him, and he wouldn't be surprised if Yan Ming abandoned him.

But trying to comprehend was one thing—everyone is often consumed with fears about a hopeless future.

Thus, he spent those days making every effort to be accommodating to Yan Ming, attempting to help in any way he could.

But he was indeed useless back then.

He had no words to cheer Yan Ming up, and his magic powers were also quite weak.

He couldn't do anything to help, so he kept thinking that Yan Ming would surely abandon him, and it was only a matter of time before he did—whether it would be in a day, two days, or three.

Because of this, he always tossed and turned at night.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Yan Ming asked him out of the blue one night.

Fu Changling was hesitating about telling him when he felt Yan Ming turn to face him. He took his hand and placed it on his chest, asking him calmly, "If you are worried about something, you can write it down here and tell me."

As he held his hand, Fu Changling could feel the calluses and the frosty warmth of his hand from the long sword practise.

Fu Changling shuddered slightly. Then he heard Yan Ming say gently, "Don't be afraid. Just tell me."

He remained still. After a long while, he finally told Yan Ming, stroke by stroke, on his chest, "You will leave me behind."

When he was done, he added three more words, as if he had written his own ending: "I will die."

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now