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It was easy to carry on a conversation like this as long as someone asked, "And then?"

However, with Qin Yan's flat, perfunctory "And then?" Fu Changling realised that he and Qin Yan would not be able to have the lighthearted conversations he had imagined.

He profoundly perceived that Qin Yan's personality of being unable to converse was not at all developed after becoming a demon cultivator; rather, he was simply someone who could barely converse.

Fu Changling decided not to have a conversation with Qin Yan, and he began to elaborate on his own: "So we'll have to band together to figure out how to get out of here. I'll explain the fundamentals of our situation. We are now in a secret realm known as the Xuanji Secret Realm. I believe you know about this secret realm."

"I know," Qin Yan nodded, "The Hongmeng Heavenly Palace is in good standing with the Golden Light Temple."

"Then you must have known that there are only two ways to get out of the Xuanji Secret Realm—the Golden Light Temple's most ominous realm. The first alternative is to force your way out, but to do so takes a cultivation level that is higher than the late stage of Deification, which neither you nor I can attain right now."

Actually, it wasn't impossible, but the price to pay was too high. Just as in his previous life, he nearly shattered his Jindan to accomplish this task. However, he didn't disclose this, so naturally, Qin Yan wouldn't have known.

Qin Yan simply agreed with a nod.

"Then the only second alternative is to discover the rules of this secret realm and get out by completing them," Fu Changling said, relieved to see him cooperate.

All secret realms were, in fact, tests set by the Elders for succeeding generations, and there must be a corresponding way to get past them. In his previous life, Fu Changling and Yan Ming made an effort to explore the rules of this secret realm, only to fail at the end as well.

Nonetheless, Fu Changling believed that this time should be much better because of the basics from his previous life. As he considered the next step, he said to Qin Yan, "We must first survive before we can escape. Right now, we are both injured—you and I—we are two injured comrades who must work together to overcome these difficulties. So, let's put whatever plan you have to kill me on hold for the time being and get out of here together first, can you do that?"

Qin Yan did not say a word, seeming to be considering.

Fu Changling, seeing that he was as stubborn as a mule, continued to persuade him patiently: "You want to figure out a lot of things, even if you don't want to look at them right now. For instance, why does that Wushi Luo continue to bother us despite the fact that it is evident that Shangguan Hong is already dead? This Xuanji Secret Realm has always been under the supervision of the Golden Light Temple, and it has never been made accessible to outsiders on its own, but it has been opened for no apparent reason. Don't you find it strange? Do you want to find out the answers to these questions? What use can you, a sword cultivator, be if you want to figure this out? You still have to cooperate with me."

"We both specialise in our areas of expertise, and when brothers work as one, our sharpness can cut through metal. You have to cooperate with me, whether for the sake of what is happening now or what has happened earlier."

"You ran away earlier and drew a teleportation array," Qin Yan said abruptly, causing Fu Changling to freeze. Not understanding why he was suddenly saying this, he nodded anyway and said, "Right."

"You teleported to the Xuanji Secret Realm?" Qin Yan raised his gaze to examine him, and Fu Changling responded immediately, "No, no, no, it wasn't me. My teleportation location is a small village ten away, and my teleportation array isn't that powerful."

Faceted Jade a.k.a Carven Jade [ENG Translation]Where stories live. Discover now