Chapter Six

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When I knocked on her door Friday night a tall guy with black hair opened the door.

"How can I help you?" he asked in a strong accent which made me believe he was Italian.

I looked at the door again to make sure I was at the right apartment. The number four was hung on the door so I was at the right apartment.

"That's Lando" I heard Zel say in the back.

"Oh sorry dude, come in," he said moving to the side giving me access.

"I'm Leo," he said shaking my hand. I introduced myself and we made our way to the kitchen.

"She's just running a little late, just give her a few minutes," Z said icing some cupcakes that I believed she baked.

"So what're your plans for tonight?" Leo asked.

"Just gonna take her to this place for dinner and go with it" I responded.

Leo seemed like a nice guy he was down to earth and gave this welcoming energy.

With that, I heard someone walking down the stairs and was met with Serenity making her way towards us.

She looked gorgeous she wore a navy silk dress that went to mid-thigh.

"Sorry You had to wait," she said.

"No worries you look beautiful so it's worth the wait," I said smiling at her.

We said goodbye to Zel and Leo and made our way to the outside.

The car talk started with the usual small talk, catching up and asking how she has been.

She was laughing at a joke I made when I looked over at her. She had a gorgeous smile that felt contagious since I couldn't stop smiling when I stared at her.

"So who that guy Leo? " I asked.

"Oh well that's Z new boy toy, they met in one of her classes, and they kinda have a thing for each other, but honestly don't know where this is gonna go." She said.

When we made it to the restaurant, I walked over to her side of the door and opened it extending my hand for her to grab.

"You know what this orange car is starting to grow on me," she said grabbing my hand.

"Glad you like it," I said.

I closed the car door and we made our way into the restaurant.

She decided to go for seafood pasta and I went for chicken pasta.

"So you got any siblings?" I asked her.

"Yeah, two younger sisters. There's me the oldest, Mia the middle child, and Sage the youngest, what about you?" She said taking a bite of her food.

"Well it's Oliver, me, and then Flo and Cisca" I responded.

"Does anyone else do like the same F1 thing as you?" she asked.

"Well my brother and I did it together when we were younger but now it's just me" I responded.

The rest of the dinner was spent talking about our hobbies and what we like to do.

She told me about how she likes to paint and read because it helps calm her and I told her more about F1 and the last season.

I could tell she didn't know a lot about it since she seemed confused and it took me a while to explain what DRS is to her but I liked that she cared and wanted to know more about what I do.

When we were done we left the restaurant and made our way to the car she looked gorgeous under the moonlight in the dress and her eyes shined under the moon.

On the drive back we just played songs and sang to them. I had a fun night with her, more than I'd like to admit.

When we made it to the apartment she invited me in for some tea. Since I didn't want the night to be over yet and wanted to spend more time with her I said I'd love to.

"They're not here?" I asked, the apartment was very quiet and I couldn't see Leo or Zella anywhere.

"Nope, out on like a date night or something," she said.

We were leaning against the counter while we waited for the kettle to boil, a song started playing on the radio.

"I love this song," she said turning it up.

"What's the name?" I asked.

"Chamber of Reflection, it's my favorite song I used to listen to it all the time when I was young," she said with a bright smile on her face.

I extended my hand to her.

"Want to dance?" I asked.

"I'd love to," she said grabbing my hand as I started to twirl her around in circles.

I pulled her closer in and we started swaying now and then I would twirl her, she had a huge smile on her face I couldn't stop staring at her.

"Oh, shit," she said letting go of my hand.

The kettle started boiling over and we were too lost to even realize.

We listened to songs for the rest of the night and just kept talking, time flew by when I was with her we were both yawning and I checked the time it was already one in the morning.

"I'm sorry but I have to go," I said standing up from the couch. "Otherwise I'm afraid I will fall asleep any second now".

"No, it's fine sorry for keeping you this long," she said while we made our way to the door.

"No don't apologize I had a really fun night," I said.

"I did to thank you," she said opening the door.

"See you again soon," I said looking down at her.

"Maybe," she said with a smirk which made me chuckle.

And with that, I went home.

On the drive back I couldn't stop thinking about her, her voice, her smile, how it felt when I danced with her, everything about her.

I couldn't stop thinking about Serenity.

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