Chapter Fourteen

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It was eight at night and it was already dark out. There was a bit of a breeze but nothing bad.

Serenity was walking next to me with her hands in her coat and a beanie over her hair. She had one earbud in and was listening to some song.

"What are you listening to," I asked.

"Are we dreaming?" she said pulling her phone out of her pocket to show me it the song was by someone named Gale.

I took in the silence between us for a few seconds that's one thing I always liked about Serenity. I never feel like it's awkward to even when we both are completely silent I feel comfortable around her.

We were walking in a park there were a few kids far away in the distance but no one else. The park was lit by a few lights but it was mostly dark.

"There's a bench," Serenity said pointing in the distance.

I grabbed her hand and we made our way towards the bench. She gave me one of her earphones and we were just listening to some music.

Her head was rested on my shoulder and I could smell her shampoo it smelt fresh and like strawberries. We were both just taking in the silence something I will miss I felt calm, free, and like myself around her.

I didn't want to tell her the news I kept trying to save this moment knowing that what I will tell her will hurt her.

I wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her in closer as the song Arcade started playing.

She loves this song always plays it when I'm over at her house. She was singing the lyrics under her breath.

"All I know all I know loving you is a losing game" I sang joining her. She tilted her head upward and had a smile all across her face.

Her smile always amazed me so gorgeous, happy and always makes my day. I gave her a kiss on her forehead pulling her in closer, I didn't want to let go.

I removed her earphones from my and her ears.

"I need to tell you something," I said clearing my throat.

"I'm leaving tomorrow night," I said blurting the words out.

"Your lying," she said showing my shoulder.

"No I'm not Serenity," I said now more serious.

"But you still have like a month left," she said now standing up from the bench.

"We'll lat minutes plans I have to go," I said standing up.

"For how long have you known," she asked her eyes starting watering.

"A few days," I said

"How much are a few days, Lando?"


"Wow, and you didn't think of maybe telling me," she said in a sarcastic tone.

"What difference would that make," I asked.

"So that I could have maybe spent more time with you," she said now looking annoyed. "fucking tomorrow" she's said and I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"It's okay," I said bringing my hand to her chin to wipe the tear away.

"No it's not when will I see you again," she said now looking away.

"That's the thing"

"That's what," she said.

"Come with me," I asked grabbing her hands.

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