Chapter 6: Growing Strong

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Date: 298 AC, 22nd day of the 1st month

Location: The Reach, Regional Capital: Highgarden, at the residence of the Tyrell family.

"Garlan you must remember that the survivability of the family, of House Tyrell is a responsibility that befalls not only Mace but you too," Luthor says. "Yes father, I shall embed this in my memory," Garlan responds.

"Good, but do you know why a heavier responsibility falls upon you." Luthor questions his second son. "Why father?" Garlan asks.

"It's because while the heir is in the spotlight they are also the most vulnerable as they are threatened by our enemies so essentially, the survival of the family occurs through the second son, which is you, Garlan," Luthor replies. Garlan absorbs the imparted information from his father whilst thinking what it means for him.

The latter continues on about not being overly-ambitious and solidifying the power base of House Tyrell since they are still overshadowed by historically powerful families like Houses Hightower, Peake and Redwyne. Even though said families are sworn to them as their vassals and there are marriage alliances too; liege lords need to exert influence over their vassals to keep them in-line since House Tyrell became the Great House of the Reach through the decree of King Aegon I Targaryen "The Conqueror" who united the lands of Westeros under his rule as King of the Seven Kingdoms with his strategy and mighty dragons.

Garlan asked how would they gain such influence to which, Luthor says that they should not be seeking out power beyond their grasp such as political gains in King's Landing for the time being because of their lack-of foundations in the Reach they need to be smart by one, not letting their family members get killed unnecessarily and two, establish branch families to gain more lands besides Highgarden. Luthor also told his son, Garlan that his siblings will help for the solidification of the Tyrell family's power-base, which benefits all family members as cooperation is key and even though arguments will occur; growing strong together is always more beneficial, an important value that the Tyrell family upholds.

Luthor stopped walking in front of the magnificent waterfall, which is the centrepiece of the gardens as he felt peaceful and mentally calm while looking at the glistening water streams he turned around and embraced the serenity of the gardens as he sat down on the well-maintained luscious green grass. He ushered Garlan to do the same to which, he complied and they both embraced the fresh air. 

After awhile, Luthor gets up and tells his son that he will help him become a survivalist-politician to the best of his ability if Garlan wants to become one to which, the latter quickly nods. Garlan's agreement made Luthor smile his brightest that he could help shape his son's future as much as he could and Garlan gave out a gleeful smile of hope which rejuvenated Luthor's outlook on the bleak future he foresaw. Luthor walked towards the ancient Gardener Throne Room to which, his son questioned why they were going to this building. His father told him that his first lesson was inside here and told him to go inside, so Garlan walked through the gleaming doors of the room to find a person standing inside.

The lean and tall person was none other than Garlan's uncle, Ser Moryn Tyrell who is recognised as one of the most skilled knight in the Reach and has been recognised for his outstanding field skills and exemplary intelligence which, lead to his appointment as Lord Commander of the City Watch of Oldtown. He is distinguished for his great skills with the sword and was anointed as one of the youngest knights of his time and has gained a respectable reputation for numerous successful battles as an honourable knight, one of few that abide by the code of chivalry. Garlan continues to gawk at the most shocking fact is that his uncle was only 25 years of age. Moryn turned around to greet his nephew, with a bright smile and ushered him to stand next to him to which, Garlan agrees.

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