Chapter 7: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

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Date: 298 AC, 23rd day of the 1st month

Location: Dorne, Regional Capital: Sunspear, at the residence of the Martell family.

We all heard the stories about how the Rhoynish warrior-queen Nymeria of Ny Sar and her people traveled the seas onto the shores of Dorne and married the ruler of House Martell of the Sandship, Lord Mors Martell unifying their families and conquered the individual kingdoms of Dorne under the rule of House Martell, she styled Mors as Crown Prince of Dorne as per Rhoynish customs. One-by-one the independent dominos submitted willingly or by-force to Martell rule and how the Rhoynish people inter-married with Dornish people adopting aspects of their culture, traditions, customs, crafts and architecture that molded Dorne into what it is today.

Also how Dorne resisted the unification of the Seven Kingdoms under the rule of House Targaryen and their mighty dragons. Their founder, Aegon of House Targaryen, First of His Name, 'The Conqueror of the Seven Kingdoms', styled himself as the ruler of all Westeros, however, Dorne successfully resisted both, diplomatic or forceful methods of being brought into the fold for two centuries. Later, though they relented through a marriage alliance.

However, were we fully told about the recent stories of the Martell family.

In the decades leading up-to the current ruler's reign of Dorne, Eleanor Martell, a recent ancestor of the Martell family had proposed during her time the expansion of the family's lands beyond Sunspear.  Her plan resulted in the creation of the initiative "Desert Albatross" a long term expansion plan to increase territorial holdings and sphere of influence of the Martell family. 

The initiative was to be a priority for every ruler until the goal was achieved. One of the first steps she took to was granting her brother, William and his family the holdings of Deepwater (formerly Stinkwater) so they would have their personal place of residence. From the plan's initiation to present times, House Martell of Deepwater have weathered many conflicts to remain as neutral as possible whilst developing economically and diplomatically as well as maintaining close family ties with House Martell of Sunspear (the main line of House Martell).

Eleanor's successor, Dawn Martell and family had decided alongside the Deepwater Martells that both families should maintain close ties on a yearly basis in the form of a gathering so they don't become distant. The two families focused on strengthening themselves and territorial holdings every generation to prevent their collapse and wait for a time comes when they believe they are ready for expansion.

Current time - 23rd day of the 1st month, 298 AC


Doran Martell, the current ruler of Dorne is sitting in the hall way overlooking the beautiful gardens, remembering what his parents told him and his siblings about the initiative "Desert Storm" and maintaining close ties with their relatives, the Deepwater Martells. He positively looks back on the yearly family gatherings as fun memories. His thoughts shift to the current circumstances of his family and believes its the right time to resume expansion plans something he has been discussing with his relative, Crescent Martell, the ruler of Deepwater.

Doran & Crescent has previously met up at the Water Gardens and corresponded that their territorial holdings are both firm, secure and flourishing with thorough security and expert military forces. They deemed that the reconstruction of Hellgate Hall is proceeding smoothly with minimal concerns from other noble families. Doran enthusiastically asked about the construction of the seaport at Hellgate Hall to which, Crescent replied that there were a few minor problems to address but besides that its progressing smoothly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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