C2: The New Girl

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*Clementine POV*

The car ride wasn't a long one to school, after we dropped AJ off, so before I knew it Lee was pulling into a parking spot in the staff car park. Sensing my nervousness, Lee spoke up "Remember sweetpea, you got this. I believe in you. We best get going, we don't want to be late. I'll see you in history after lunch. I love you."

"Sure thing Lee, thank you. I love you too." I replied as I got out of the car and started to head towards main building. 'It won't be that bad, like Lee said, I got this.'

Glancing down at my phone to check the time, not watching where I was walking, I suddenly bumped into someone, my phone landing hard on the floor. I instinctively reached down to pick it up but someone beat me to it. I looked up to see a tall guy with long dreadlocks and a smile plastered along his face, behind him was another tall guy 'not as tall as him but anyone's tall compared to me' with a god awful blonde haircut and a blonde girl who seemed like she didn't want to be there at all. 'You and me both random stranger' I quickly snap out of my thoughts and apologise "Shit, sorry bout that, it's completely my bad."

"Don't worry about it, just maybe watch where you're going next time unless you planned to walk into me." he replied with a wink, giving me back my phone, "My name's Louis, this is my best friend Marlon" pointing at the boy who just gave a smile and a nod "and this is my other best friend Violet," she didn't move at all, just muttering something which I couldn't quite hear. "Don't worry, she grows on you I promise. I haven't seen you before, and I know near enough everyone here so that just leaves one thing, you must be new right?"

"Hey, the name's Clementine and yeah I am, first day today." I say back, also with a smile on my face. 'Something about these guys makes me feel comfortable but I can't drop my guard. But the girl intrigues me' "I don't suppose you can show me where the office is, I gotta get my timetable and I have no idea where to go."

"We'll just take you won't we guys?" Louis turned to the other two and asked.

"Sounds good to me." Marlon answered. But Violet didn't answer, she just grunted and started walking already prompting the three of us to catch up. We made small conversations on the walk there but I only had my eyes on the girl in front of us. 'I wonder what her deal is.' She looked back, and caught me looking at her so quickly turned away facing the right direction and started walking even quicker which I didn't think was possible until we made it to the office. I grabbed my timetable and walked out as quick as I entered.

"What you got first?" Marlon asked.

"English, it could be worse but it's still shit." I moaned.

"Looks like its gonna become even shitter because you're stuck with all three of us." Louis said with a laugh 'God his laugh is stupid but he seems cool.'

"Great, I can't wait to deal with you for another hour" I responded with a laugh and an eye roll. Louis held his hand over his heart as if he was in pain and everyone started to laugh, even Violet smiled a little before turning away. I'm glad I saw that, it's nice to know that some things can make her smile. But before I can say anything else, the bell rings signalling the start of class so we rush into waves of students in the halls, trying not to get to class too late.

Arriving to the class on time, I separated from those three and went to sit somewhere on the side of the room but Louis grabbed my arm and dragged me to the back where Marlon and Violet were. "I'm not gonna let a cute girl like you sit by yourself when you could sit with me and these donuts. We are all friends here right?" Louis teased with a wink. Marlon and I laughed and Violet had a slight frown and rolled her eyes. 'Sorry Louis but you're not my type' I thought to myself, whilst I sat down.

"So Clem... shit is it cool if I call you that?" Marlon asked, I nodded with a smile so he continued, "You gonna sit with us at lunch later? There's more of us but you seem pretty cool so I'm sure they'd all like you."

"Sure, sounds like a plan, you guys seem pretty cool too. You'll just have to take me there as I have no clue where it is." I joked. Louis loudly cheered at my answer and ended up being yelled at, for being too loud, by the teacher who had started his lesson, Marlon has a smile on his face and I could swear when I looked at Violet, she had one too but it was too short-lived as she quickly looked into her workbook. 'You have such a cute smile,' I thought as I looked at her, probably longer than I should've been, 'Shit Clementine, you don't even know her, but at least she doesn't hate me so that's a positive.' Quickly looking away, I thought no-one noticed but I looked over at Louis who just winked at me and smiled before starting his work. I immediately plant my face into my hands as I realise he just saw the whole thing. 'Shit.'

The rest of the lesson flew by, I kept my head down focusing on my work, slightly embarrassed that Louis caught me, overthinking that it was a really big deal. It wasn't a big deal, I just thought she looked cute when she smiled that's all, friends can do that right. 'Friends? I'm pretty sure I can call them friends, they seem nice. Shit I wonder if they consider me as friends yet. I don't mind if not, I'm used to being alone but it would be nice to have a few friends this early.'

"What you got next Clem?" Louis asked as he started packing up his books.

"Chemistry." I reply bluntly, doing the same.

"Ouch, that's a shame unfortunately you're by yourself for that one. A few of our friends are in that one, you'll meet them at lunch. You're still coming right, you're not bored of us yet?" Louis laughed.

"I'll be there and don't worry I'm not bored of your annoying ass yet." I joked. "I gotta go try and find this stupid science lab. See you guys later?" After being pointed in the rough direction, I said my goodbyes, earning smiles from all three, even Violet, I made my way. 'If their whole group is like those three, I'll get along with everyone. I still need to get to know Violet more though.'

After making my way to the science lab, I made my way to one of the desks at the side of the room, put my bag down and got ready for the lesson. I realised I had to walk through the cafeteria to get to the lab so I made a mental note of where it was for when I go and meet Louis and everyone later.

"Good morning everyone, please turn to this page in your textbooks and start making notes, you'll have a test on this next Monday so please revise." a voice called from the front of the class. 'Fucking great, only just started but already got tests to revise for'

Chemistry, just like English just seemed to fly by, I mainly looked out the window just thinking. I tend to do that a lot, it helps me escape from whatever bullshit is going on in my life. In fact, every single lesson this morning seemed to go really quickly and all of a sudden it was lunch time. I started to make my way to the cafeteria, as I entered one of the many hallways, I heard someone shout my name. It was Marlon, who had his arms around a girl who had short brown hair. They both ran up to me.

"Clementine right?" the girl asked, "My name's Brody, I'm Marlon's girlfriend, he's told me about you and it's very nice to meet you." she said extending her hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you too." I replied with a smile, shaking her hand.

"Let's go get our table before some idiots take it." Marlon said and quickly rushed off towards the cafeteria, with me and Brody hot on his tail. We got there and saw everyone sitting at their table with Brody and Marlon taking a seat too. 'Fuck that's a lot of people'

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