C4: Damaged Friendships

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*Louis POV*

'Shit what the fuck did I do.' those are the thoughts currently running through my head as we chase through the corridors after a clearly distraught Clementine. "Why the fuck would you ask that? You knew she said it was really bad so did you just want to scare her away, on her first day? That was so shitty of you Lou." Violet growled, taking me aback because I didn't realise she'd care so much about someone she's only known for a few hours.

"I don't know, I didn't think it would upset her so much because it was in the past but I know I shouldn't have asked it. I'm a fucking idiot, you don't need to remind me." I quietly reply, with no enthusiasm at all, clearly upset with myself.

"What do you mean, you didn't think it would upset her so much? Look I'm not happy with what happened either, or with you to be honest but we need to make sure she's okay as soon as possible, she's our main priority right now. But you need to fucking apologise, before it's too late and she starts to hate us all." Violet responds with a slight bit of venom in her voice. We both look forward to where she last was and she isn't there. She must have saw us and ran off. "As much as I hate to leave her like this right now, neither of us can get another late mark so we have to go to History and then as soon as it's finished we go find her before she goes home, deal?" Violet said. 'I've really fucked this up haven't I?' was all I thought, listening to Vi.

I nodded in response so we turn down the next corridor and into our classroom. As soon as we reach the doorway, we both stop dead in our tracks, with our eyes wide open in shock....she was in this class. She sees us and quickly looks away, wiping the last few tears out of her eyes. The teacher yells at us to come in. 'I love Mr Everett normally but something seems to have annoyed him today' We both hurry in, and sit at the table behind Clementine.

*Clementine POV*

"Look Clem, I know you probably hate me right now, I totally deserve it, I know I'm a grade a asshole but I need you to know I'm sorry, I really am. You don't need to forgive me but I just needed you to know. I'm sorry, I clearly brought up some really bad memories and I shouldn't have asked what I asked. I just wanted to get to know you more, we all did, I mean we all still do if you'll let us but it's up to you." Louis apologised, quietly enough so that only me and Violet could hear. I checked for any lies or anything in his voice but all I could find was sincerity.

"I'm not gonna lie to you Lou, it's fucked me up. You're right you shouldn't have asked but you did and we can't take it back now. And of course I forgive you, I don't wanna fall out with my friends on my first day. I'm sorry for running off, I'm sure everyone thinks I'm a weirdo now." I respond with a sniffle.

"No, you're not and no-one thinks you're one so honestly don't worry about it. Everyone was angry with me and worrying about you, right Vi?" Louis asks. Violet just nods and smiles. 'There's that smile again, she's so cute.....Clementine, stop you don't even know if she likes girls or not and plus I look like a mess right now.' "So we cool?" Louis asks with a smile.

"We are cool, don't worry." I reply back. Louis looks so relieved, like a massive weight has been lifted off his shoulders. 'He must've felt really bad then.' "But just warning you, the teacher might ask you both to stay behind, he wasn't very happy when you guys walked in." They both look at me in confusion. "Long story short, he's my guardian, he has been for a few years. He saw me arrive in tears and then saw my reaction when I saw both of you and I think he put two and two together. I'm sorry." I explain.

"Don't worry about us, we completely deserve it, but as long as you're okay now." Violet says putting her hand on my shoulder. 'She must really care too' I blush at her touch and Louis just smiles at what's happening in front of his eyes. Violet quickly removes her hand, realising that it wasn't just the two of them and that Louis will probably joke about it for a long time. "Let's just focus on our work." she mumbles, with a red tint across her cheeks. I just smile at the pair of them and turn around, trying to pay attention.

For the rest of class, I didn't pay attention at all, with Lee having to stop me from zoning out a few times. Just as class was about to end, Lee announced we'd all have homework, placing a few sheets on each desk, earning an audible groan from everyone. "It isn't hard at all and it won't take long at all which is why I want it on my desk in tomorrow's lesson." Lee explained earning another groan. 'God I love you Lee but you're the only teacher that's given me homework other than revision for Chemistry.'

The bell rang, causing everyone to pack up and run out of the room, Louis included. Luckily neither him or Violet had to stay behind. "Sorry guys, gotta run, I got piano practise in half an hour so won't be able to give you a lift home Vi, sorry. See you guys tomorrow." He explained, running out the door before we could even say goodbye. Violet just slouched obviously upset she had to walk home. 'At least she doesn't have to pick up her brother first like me, it would be nice if she came with me but I'd never ask her to do that' 

I grab my stuff and start to head up before I hear someone call my name, "Wait for me". I stand outside the door and she hurries up to me. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay again, and I wanted to apologise for when we met. I don't really trust new people easily and that makes me come across rough to people." Violet explains with a genuine smile.

"No, its okay, I completely understand, I'm the same don't worry. And you didn't seem rough to me, you seemed pretty cool so its all good. Look I gotta go pick up my brother from school so I'll see you tomorrow." I say, not trying to rush off. Even though I had to go, I really wanted to stay and talk to her.

"Ah don't let me hold you then. I'll see you tomorrow Clem." Violet says with a hint of sadness in her voice that I had to go so suddenly. I start to walk off but she grabs my hand, causing me to blush again. 'What's going on in my head right now? I can't help it' "Before you go, do you think I could maybe get your number, just in case one of us needs help with this history homework?"

I smiled "You know if you wanted my number you could've just asked for it." I tease, causing her to go red. I grab her phone and put my number under a new contact called Clem <3. 'I couldn't think of anything else.' "I really have to go now, sorry Vi, I'll text you later."

We both said our goodbyes, before walking in opposite directions. I pull out my phone and see one new notification from an unknown number. I assume it's Violet so I add the number for her contact and read the text she sent.

                                                                               Today 15:36

V: Don't ever make me that red again lol. I'm gonna get you back I swear 

C: Don't lie, you loved it you dork ;)

V: Eh whatever....I know you gotta pick up your brother so I'll text you later if you want?

C: Sure, sounds good Vi.

I look back at the conversation once more before putting my phone back in my pocket. I have the biggest smile on my face and I know why. 'I can't wait till tonight but first, I gotta go get AJ.' Putting my earphones in my ears, I load up Spotify and play 'No Brains' by Sum 41 and make my way over to the school where my little goofball is waiting for me.

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