C7: A New Face

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I know this is only my third day here, but these people have genuinely made it feel like I've been here forever and known them forever. Maybe its Louis and his constant jokes always making me laugh, or maybe its Mitch and Marlon acting like my bodyguards because I'm the new girl, always making me feel safe, or maybe its Aasim and his love of books, always giving me something different and interesting to talk about, or maybe its Brody, Sophie and Ruby always gossiping with me like I've been part of this group for years, always making me feel so welcome, or maybe it is in fact Violet for just being so amazing. I think it is Violet to be honest. To think, just a few days ago, she was so cold to me and now it's the complete opposite and I love it. I've already almost forgotten the whole situation with Louis on Monday. I'm gonna see if anyone wants to do something this weekend to celebrate me surviving one week here.

I hear Lee cough, drawing me out of my thoughts. "I said, you seem to be smiling lots this morning sweetpea, and your head certainly seems to be with the fairies so what's going on?" Lee asks with a glance before focusing back on the road. We had already dropped AJ off so it was just us two in the car on the way to school.

"I don't know, I'm just thinking about how stupid I was for being so nervous before starting school, I thought it would take me ages to make friends and fit in, yet I found the best friends I could ask for on the very first day." I admit.

"I'm glad and I'm so proud of you. I could tell how happy you are by how difficult it was to get you to eat breakfast this morning. You just wouldn't stop smiling." Lee chuckled as we pulled up into a parking space.

"Thanks Lee, and I'm sorry about that." We both laughed. "Guess we should head in, have a good day and I'll see you in our lesson later. Love you." I said whilst giving Lee a hug.

"Sounds good sweetpea, have a good day." Lee replied as we both headed our separate ways. 

I walked up the stairs into the main hallway, aiming to find someone I recognised, as I see a familiar redhead. "Hey Soph-" The girl turned around and it definitely wasn't Sophie.

"Oh look, what we have here, it's the new girl. I'm Minerva, Minnie for short, and this is Dorian." She smirks whilst pointing to the girl standing behind her.

"Clementine." I simply put. I've heard things about Minerva and none of them were nice so I really don't wanna get on her bad side.

"Oh your the one that my twin sister and all her idiotic friends have taken a liking too." I grit my teeth to stop myself snapping back. "You know I was friends with them before I realised how weird they all are. Since you're new here, I'll give you a pass, forget about them and come hang out with us." Minerva said with a wink.

Just hearing this made my blood boil a little. "Nah I'm good, and they not weird or idiotic or anything like that. They are amazing, each and everyone of them and I'm glad they aren't friends with you anymore and I 100 percent don't wanna be friends with you either." I retort. Who does this bitch think she is?

She looked shocked for a second that I spoke back, I'm guessing that doesn't happen a lot before going back to her tough persona. She stepped forward, getting right in my face. She was a lot taller than me but I didn't back away. "Oh and how would you know this? I could make it worth your while, after all I can be very persuasive. I can make you feel things you've never felt before, I could take you places you've never been before, hell I can make you say things you've never said before." She says leaning over so she can whisper in my ear so only I can hear. "You're cute so you can call me Mommy or Daddy, whatever you're into." She leans back and just smirks.

I've had enough of her shit but I can't lie, it is tempting, I've never done anything like what she's suggesting before. "Alright, just leave me alone, I don't need to deal with your shit." I say genuinely fed up of this conversation but still kind of in shock. 

I hear 2 sets of footsteps run up behind me and before I get chance to turn around, they speak.

"Leave her alone, now!" One of them growled through their teeth, the voice I instantly recognise as Violets'. My heart skips a beat at the thought of Violet coming to protect me.

"You heard her Minnie, just go." Louis says as he stands in front of me. I've never seen or heard him sound so serious.

Minerva just raises her hands in defence. "I'll see you around Clementine." She simply says before both her and Dorian walk away. By this time Violet had also walked in front of me but turned to face me.

"You okay Clem?" She asks with a smile. It's so cute.

"Yeah what did she want?" Louis follows up with.

"I'm okay, she was just doing the typical picking on the new girl bullshit but I'm okay. Thank you guys though." They both just smile, glad I was okay. "But before I forget, this is for you Louis." I say pulling out the money from my pocket. "For lunch the other day, sorry I forgot about it yesterday."

"Don't worry about it Clemmy, keep it." Louis just shakes his head and goes to turn to find some more of our friends, but I slip it into one of his pockets without him noticing, causing Violet to giggle.

We start to walk after him in silence until I break the silence because something is bugging me. "Hey Vi?" I ask, Violet just hums in response. "I didn't ask yesterday because it isn't anything to do with me but it's kinda bugging me. What happened on Monday? I know we've only known each other a few days but you can talk to me, I know it was bad." I don't want it to sound like I'm probing into her business too much but I need her to know I'm here for her always.

Violet just raises her eyes. "You're right, it does have nothing to do with you so don't bother. You've only been her 2 days and you're already trying to know everyone's business so you can what? Feel sorry for them? Just leave it okay?" Violet snaps.

I look at her in shock and as soon as I know it tears are forming in my eyes and threatening to fall down my face. "Oh-ok, I'm sorry." That's all I'm able to say before I start to walk off but before I'm able to go anywhere I feel someone grab onto my hand.

I turn around, tears still in my eyes, to see Violet pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry okay, I know you're not like that, I just don't like letting people care about me and letting them into my life because they just leave. I just don't want you to leave when you just got into my life, you know. I've only let Louis in fully, no-one else knows everything but I promise you I will tell you when I'm ready, things have just been hard at the moment. I'm really sorry for making you cry, do you forgive me?" Violet explains sincerely.

I don't know what to say so all I do is nod. Violet hesitantly moves her hands up to my face, wiping away my tears that have fallen down my face and are currently sitting on my cheeks. Once they are all wiped away she looks at me in the eyes and just smiles at me, causing me to smile back. All of a sudden, she just wraps her arms around me, hugging me and whispering "I'm really sorry Clem." over and over again, so almost instantly I hug her back.

The bell rings, causing us to move apart. We both knew we were in the same class so I held my hand out for her to take. "Shall we?" I ask.

"I'd love to." Violet says, grabbing my hand, so we made our way to our class, hand in hand with 2 big smiles beaming across each of our faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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