C5: Brotherly Love

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With AJ's school visible in the distance, I pull out my phone and check the time, it is 15:55 meaning I'm 5 minutes early so I start tapping my hand on my leg along to the beat of whatever song is playing. I know it instantly 'Step to Me' by Thousand Foot Krutch. 'I love this song. I'm kind of a big emo and Violet seems the same so there's something we have in common. I'll have to talk to her about music sometime.'

As the song finishes, I hear someone shout my name, I manage to turn around towards where the voice came from before I'm nearly tackled to the floor in a hug. Managing to keep my balance, I look down at AJ and give him a hug. "Hey goofball, lets go, you have a good day?"

AJ looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face. "It was really good. Tenn is teaching me how to be an artist. I'll show you my pictures soon, I just forgot today." AJ laughed. I gave him a confused look which he saw and understood instantly. "Tenn is my friend, you'd really like him. He has two sisters as old as you, you might know them." 'Glad you got a friend'

"Maybe kiddo" I say as we walk down our road and into our front yard. Lee wasn't home yet so I let AJ run off into the house first. "Do your homework and then we can play okay?" I shout, not sure if AJ can hear me. 

"OK" was all I heard in return from the top of the stairs so I decided to head to my room and text Violet.

                                                                                               Today 16:24

C: Hey I'm home let me know if you were being serious about doing the homework lol :)

V: Sorry Clem, already done it lol. Mr Everett wasn't lying when he said it was easy.

C: Wow I see how it is, I'm hurt now, I thought you were actually wanting to text me more ;)

V: Maybe, maybe not, but I had to try impress the new girl lol ;) Anyways I gotta go, I'll text you later?

C: Sure I'm hanging out with my brother but then I'll be free. Call me if you want :)

I looked down at my phone and only just realised what I'd sent, I must've picked up a bit of newfound confidence somewhere, maybe it was after our conversation after school. 'Fuck it, I'm not gonna delete it, what's the worst that can happen'

I grab the worksheets out of my bag and head to my desk. I manage to answer the whole sheet in about ten minutes as they genuinely weren't difficult at all. After sitting there for a few minutes just thinking, I hear a knock at my door so I turn and let them in, it was AJ. "Hey Clem, my homework is done, you ready to play, you haven't forgotten right?" He asks innocently. 

"Of course I haven't, I've been waiting for you to come get me. Come on let's go." I say as we leave my room and head to AJ's. Truthfully, I have been waiting for him and I've been looking forward to it all day, especially after what happened at lunch with Louis, but for some reason I can't get a certain blonde out of my head. 'I don't know why though.' "So what do you wanna do goofball? We can watch a movie or play with some of your toys."

"Let's start a movie and if it gets boring, we can play?" AJ responds as he sits down on his bed and makes room for me.

"Sure thing." I turn the TV on, grab the controller and press play on whatever is already in the DVD player. 'I'm not really bothered by what's playing, it's just really nice spending time with my goofball.' Sitting back on the bed, I pull AJ closer, so close that he's basically sitting in my pocket, and he leans his head on my shoulder, totally engrossed in the movie.

"I missed you today Clem, I love you." Those few words made my heart melt into a million pieces. I know we were close and that he loved me but I never knew I meant that much to him.

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