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After the dismissal, sinb and soojin went to the dance studio room so they can practice their body.

Sinb is doing warm-up not until her cellphone is ringing. She stopped for awhile and take a look at her phone. It was her mother.


"Eunbi-ah" her mother said

"Yeah? Why are you calling? Is there anything wrong?" Sinb asked politely.

"Not really. But, what did you said to your grand father during weekend? He is so excited" her mother's answer makes her confused.

"What? I didn't say anything. Why is he excited?" Sinb asked with confused tone.

"He is telling me that he is excited to hwang's reunion because you will invite your girlfriend. Daughter of a Kim? Why didn't you confessed it to me that you got a girl?"

"What? He can still remember that? Hyunjin and I are just kidding that time, ma! I don't have a girlfriend." Sinb said and got frustrated.

"Oh my, oh my, how can i say this to your grandpa? He'll get disappointed if I told him. Don't you have any friends there? You can get any of your friends, i think. Let's just invite your friend to the reunion and introduce her to your grandpa. He haven't saw any of the children of the kim  actually. But he knows how they act. He said that, Kim's are; elegant, walks arrogantly formal, knows the rules of etiquettes, and they are friendly but classy. What do you think? Don't choose eunha and yuju because your grandpa recognizes them"

"Okay, okay, I'll try" sinb obeyed what her mother suggested.

"Okay hon! Take care!" Sinb's mother said before she turned off the phone call

[End of phone call]

"Who's that sinb-ah?" Soojin asked as she approached sinb who looks frustrated.

"My mother. She's asking me to do something difficult" sinb answered. "But! I can do it! I know i can find someone before our reunion comes!" Sinb said with determination

"What do you mean?" Soojin asked with confusion.

"Aha! You! Soojin-ah, i know you can help me" sinb said as she hold soojin's wrists

"I don't understand" Soojin said

"Do you know the Kim's, right? The owner of this school. I need someone to act like a daughter of a kim and pretends to be my girlfriend in our reunion this weekend" sinb said

"Girl, i can't do that. I don't know how to act like a rich! I am just a simple girl with a normal life" soojin said

"I'll pay you. Please, soojin-ah. Just once" sinb begged.

"Alright, alright. So what will I do?" Soojin asked

"Act elegant, walk arrogant but formal at the same time, learn the proper etiquettes, be friendly, and classy" Sinb's statement makes soojin chuckles bitterly "Girl, are you serious? You know that i am an introvert person and with what you just said is way too opposite from my personality" soojin said

"You haven't even tried it" sinb said

"Okay, I'll try to walk. I will imitate the director's son, kim sunoo" soojin said confidently.

Sinb looks so disappointed as she walks through the dance practice room.

"Wait wait wait, chest out and butt out. You look so stiff" sinb said. She's way too perfectionist.

"Ughh, sinb-ah i can't" soojin whined

"Let's try it together. We will walk like we are in a runway model" sinb encourages soojin

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