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Sinb's POV

I am here in my room right now, It's afternoon and I just came back after we stayed at the resort. Nothing special happened at the resort, we just swim, eat, sleep, and wake up. I don't know what am I going today, I want to message yerin but at the same time, I don't want her to feel like I am locking her up and put pressure on our relationship. We saw each other earlier and sleep together last night, i think that's enough.

"Unnie, someone is looking for you downstairs" my sister suddenly barged in.

Ah, I guess yuju unnie is here, she said, she wants to have a conversation with me.

As I went downstairs, I saw a lot of expensive paper bags and foods on our living room table.

"Grandchild! Come here! Your girlfriend brought these thiiingss!! She is really a kim! I remember, her father also give us presents like this before" grandpa whose in front of yerin said, they are on our sofa.

"What's these?" I asked seriously to yerin. It's not like I don't want her presents but obviously, she's using her money from her salary at the convenience store.

"Ah, I got bored so I went to a mall and brought these. This is for your mom and dad" she said as she pointed the paper bags, the brands are chanel and Louis Vuitton. "This is for your brother and sister" she's pointing at the gucci paper bags. "This new cane is for grandpa. And lastly, I this is for youuu" she said while giving me a Dior box. I have no emotions right now.

"Let's talk" I said and went to my room.

As we enter in my room, I locked my door and speak, " don't have to buy those things. Don't spend your money over nonsense. you're living alone, you should buy something that is necessary to your life. Also, you don't have to impress my family. They already know thag you're not a kim, except for my grandpa. Yes, remember, you're not a kim and you will never be. So stop acting like you are. I love you as Jung Yerin"

After that, she immediately ran downstairs and get her bag. She's outside of our house right now, while me, I am still wearing a slipper and of course, I followed her.

"Yerin!" I yelled. We are meters away.

Then she waved to a taxi and enter. She didn't even take a glance at me as the taxi drove away.

Aish, sinb-ah, you missed her earlier right?! You should've hug her and thank her instead! I hate being competitive over dominant. We are both girls, it doesn't matter if who will act like a man in our relationship. I shouldn't let my pride rose up.

As I enter our home, my mother is standing in front of the door. I know, I'm screwed.

"Come here, eunbi" she said. "What did you say to yerin? Why did she left like that?" She asked as I went to her.

"Nothing, ma. I just told her not to spend her money on nonsense"

"Why did you say that? Girls are sensitive. You should know that. You know child, sometimes, people who are dealing with something, they are doing anything just to cope up. You should ask her politely, why did she brought that things. When she enter our house earlier, she greeted me and hugs me. She said, she wants to stay here for a while since today is her day off from work and she's living alone. She told me that this is her first time buying things to a family"

I got speechless with what my mother said. I shouldn't said such things to her.

"I'm going to contact her" I said to my mother.

"Eunbi" my father said as he came out of the house.

"Yes, dad?" I answered.

"Are you free today? Let's go together, I am going to get flowers from my supplier and deliver it to the flower shop" Dad said as he enter the car. I think this is great opportunity to get a present as my apology to yerin so I rush inside our house and wear a proper clothing.

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