problem over problems

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Today is the fourth day of class break. Sinb have a sideline job, which is choreographer while yerin, she went to convenience store.

Yerin is sitting at one of the tables in the store while staring at the pictures given by her father yesterday. She keeps on thinking who's behind these unfortunate events. Then later on, she called her brother through phone call.

[In call]

"Noona? How are you? Sorry I can't meet you. Dad is still mad and I got grounded because I went in your condo yesterday" sunoo said.

"I'm good. Don't worry. Take care of yourself out there—by the way, you are the one who said to me that i am being watched. How did you know? Does dad paid some people to watch over me?" Yerin asked.

"No, noona. Dad doesn't have any idea about your life to be honest. He's always busy with business meetings and being the director of our university. Day before the class break, someone hits my body and that person's things fell on the ground. The person took all the things that has been fallen except a folded note. When I picked it up to gave it, the person is nowhere to be found. As I read the front page of the folded note, it said that 'tell this to yerin'. So i conclude that the person intentionally crashed on me"

"Really? That person have the audacity to crashed on you? What does the person looks like?" Yerin asked, getting more curious.

"Actually, I can't recognize if it's a male or female because the person was wearing thick jacket and black mask with black shades. However, i think the height is either 5'6 or 5'7" sunoo's answer makes yerin think of the heights of the people who take the pictures. She wrote the names in a piece of paper.





and umji

are the ones in her mind. After she estimated how tall are these people, yuju and jackson left in her culprit list.

"Okay, last, before i end the call. Send me the folded note" yerin said. After that, they already hangs up the phone call.

When her brother sent the folded note, without a further a do, she opened and read it.

"I am being tasked by a monster to watch over you, Jung Yerin"

"Monster? What i have done?" Yerin asked herself.

"This is hard to solve. I think I need someone smarter than me. Perhaps, I'll tell this to sinb? Since she knows about yuju and jackson more. If ever the culprit is one of these two people, We can proceed to whoever the monster is" Yerin thought.

Minutes later, she asked one of her employers in the convenience store to manage the store for today because she will go in Hwang's area.


"Hi sunshine! come in" Sinb welcomed her girlfriend after it arrives at their house.

"Did you finished the choreography teaching? Where's your family?" Yerin asked as she entered the house. She noticed that sinb is alone.

"Actually i didn't go somewhere today. The choreography teaching was moved next weekend maybe. father was out for delivery, mother take grandpa to take a bus on the way to our province, yeji and hyunjin went shopping. So yeah, I'm alone with the dogs. Anyways, what's with the sudden visit? Do you want to go somewhere? Or what?" Sinb said while she's preparing some snacks for her girl.

"I'm here for other reason" Yerin said seriously. She's getting nervous time by time.

"Alright, what is it?" Sinb sit up straight in front of yerin.


"UNNIE!! UNNIE!! HELP!" The serious conversation between yerin and sinb cut off when sinb's sister came home suddenly and screaming out of her lungs.

"WHAT— what the hell! What happened?!" Sinb immediately responded to her siblings' situation. Hyunjin is limping while yeji is helping him to walk. Hyunjin's legs, ankle, and elbow were bleeding continuously so sinb take hyunjin in their comfort room to wash his wounds.

"There's a guy riding with a motor vehicle, then suddenly hit hyunjin while we're going home. I was very startled when he's already on the ground with blood all over his feet! The motor vehicle didn't even bother to stop and say sorry to us. Basically, we got into hit and run" yeji explained.

"Okay, calm down there" sinb said to her sister. "How do you feel? Is it hurt? Does your bones affected? I will bring you to hospital" sinb said to her brother.

"No need to bring me at the hospital noona. It's not that serious injury. I can still manage the pain" hyunjin said.


A notification sound from yerin's phone caught her attention.

"Surprise, darling" It was a text message from yerin's father. When she read it, she just realized that what happened to sinb's brother is her father's fault.

She immediately stands up and went outside of Hwang's house to call her father. She's furious now. Thinking that sinb's family might get involved with her father's actions.

[In call]

"YA! How dare you to do that?" Yerin said to her father. She's mad but she's keeping her voice low so people inside the house couldn't hear her.

"Are you happy, darling?" Her father asked sarcastically. "Look, kid. Because of you, you are slowly ruining their poor family. Hwang eunbi, daughter of a delivery man and a house wife. How pathetic. How can i trust the whole business to you if you have heavy boulders riding on your back? I can't imagine, articles will come out 'Kim's family experienced a bankruptcy'. Anyways, I can do more than that if you'll not going to obey me. Break up with that girl and find a decent man"

"You are too much, dad. Don't involve her and her family, they don't even know you as my father. Screw you!" Yerin wants to say more but she can't do it, her emotions might burst out. Then she hang up the call right away.

"Babe?" Yerin turned her sight behind her. "What are you doing here outside?" Sinb asked.

"Since when did you come here?" Yerin asked. She's keeping it herself that she's nervous. Sinb might heard her talking to her father about hyunjin's accident.

"Just now. I came to look for you" sinb answered

"How was your brother's state?" Yerin asked with concern.

"Don't worry, i already put an ointment and bandage on his wounds. He also said that he's fine" sinb answered and smiles.

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