Chapter 1

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Mobydick POV:

It was a sunny in the mobydick the whitebeard pirates was on a search for an island to restock to get supplies "When are we ever gonna find an island!" ace who is laying on the deck "Just wait yoi!" marco while sitting on whitebeard shoulder ace was getting bored and wanted to explore on an island since the last time they saw an island was 1 month ago and they were about to run out of supplies "Island! i see an island up ahead!" one of the crew member said when suddenly ace out of nowhere appeard beside the crewmember "Where!? where is it i wanna go to the island now!!!" ace who was staring at the sea on the rail "Be patient ace, we havent even arrive at the island yet" thatch who appeard behind ace while the one of the crewmember left to talk to pops "But i wanna go now and its getting boring on here" "dont worry its just another few minutes till we'll reach the island then you can explore" that who was tapping ace shoulder

  After a few minutes they had finally arrived at the island, ace who was was excited was the first one to get off the ship while the others start restocking there supplies and some who have nothing to do goes to the island to explore and shop for stuff "can't he just wait for the others" izo who was standing besides marco "i dont think he will after all he's been in the ship for a month and he's been seeking for adventure or anything interesting to happen yoi" marco who was staring at the island with his lazy face " *sigh* im gonna go shopping for some makeup, wanna come?" "nah im just gonna help other's restock" marco said as he walks towards the other members izo who was talking to the 1st devision commander a while ago goes to town

     After a few hours the the whitebeard pirates decided to leave the island and continued there journey after they leave the island and was enough to just see a bit of the island when suddenly a purple smoke appeared "ummm guys whats that" ace who was saw the purple smoke, whitebeard who was sitting on his big chair stared at the purple smoke with curious eyes "i dont know but dont you think its heading our way" thatch who was also staring at it "Your right but shouldn't we stay away from it since we don't know what it is" izo who was staring suspeciously at it "i agree with haruta my sons, we don't know whatg it is yet and it could be dangerous" whitebeard said agreeing with izo "but pops there could be adventure and secret, plus we have never seen this purple thing before, its exciting" ace who has star in his eyes "ace they're right it could be dangerous and even if it is something we have never seen before its still dangerous yoi"
marco who was beside's thatch

"umm i hate to interrupt you guy's conversation but the smoke is getting closer!!!" thatch who was pointing at the purple smoke "your right we need to turn now!" vista said but by the time they did the purple smoke suddenly goes throught they're ship everyone did not move or breath until the purple smoke pass them, by the time the purple smoke pass them they all started breathing again but something was wrong they felt like someone on there ship was missing but not one but a few members, when they look arounf they noticed whitebeard wasn't on his seat, marco, thatch, haruta, izo, vista, namur and ace was also missing "guys where's pops, marco, thatch, haruta, izo, vista, namur, and ace!?" jozu said while panicking "!?!?" everyone was freaking out and started running all over the place

Meanwhile with the other's that dissapeard POV:

Everyone was in a black thing that looks like a void "Pops! guys! where are you guys!?" ace panicking while searching for his crewmates suddenly everything "ace ace! i hear you its me haruta!" haruta yelled while searching for ace "haruta! im glad your here but where are you and where are the others!?" ace yelled "i don't know where i am or where the other's are and where are you!?" haruta yelled "i dont know where i am either but i think the purple thingy was the cause of this!" ace yelled suddenly the black thing turn to white and they started morphing into cats while this was happening everyone suddenly fell unconcious

     After a while they were done morphing into they were teleported into an unknown place in a box. After a few hours the fourth devision was the first one to wake up "guys guys wake up!" thatch yelled "huh thatch where are we- WHOA WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE A CAT!?" ace yelled "DO YOU MEAN WHY DOES ALL OF US LOOKS LIKE CATS YOI!" marco yelled wake up out of his conciousness "HOW WOULD I KNOW I JUST WAKE UP AND SAW ALL OF US LIKE THIS" thatch yelled while freaking out "my sons calm down im sure there is an explanation" whitebeard says trying to calm down his sons "pops is right guys there must be a reason why were like this" vista said calmly "but how can we figure it out?" ace asked while tilting his head "i think the purple smoke did this i mean its the only explanation" namur said "i think namur is right this happened when the purple smoke goes right pass us" izo stated "welp i guess the explanation of the caused of this is solved but" marco said "but what marco" ace asked "but how do we change back and get back to our crew" marco finished his words and they all realize marco was right and before they knew it they had no idea on how to get back.

To be continued: (996 words)

Date: 14 January 2022

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