Chapter 2

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Author: hello hope you enjoyed this and also my other story called ASL Luffy's big sister im gonna make it different and is gonna come out late because i dont have an idea so i made this story cause why not anyways hope you enjoyed the last chapter (chapter 1) and this chapter too enjoy! (also i put random picture up there cause why not, its cute and funny baby ace was sitting on top of marco in his phoenix form while baby marco sit on top of a whale and also this is not my drawing nor do i know the owner of the art but its cute!

"my sons calm down panicking isn't going to help us figuring out on how to turn us back" pops stated "pops right yoi, panicking isn't helping on anything" marco agreeing with whitebeard "ok you have a point but what are we suppose to do then?" ace slightly panicking "how about we ask for help, maybe there are some people that will help us" thatch stated

(A couple of moments meowing)

"hey theres a little boy right there" ace while looking at the boy "he looks about 10 years old" vista said "well atleast he may help us right?" thatch said, the little boy walk towards the cats in the box he came close to the box until he's in front of it, he crouch down to look at the cats

Rowan POV:

"you guys don't have a home?" Rowan said the cats start meowing, Rowan didn't understand what they were saying so he assumed they said said "ooh you guys don't have a home thats sad" then he had an i dea "i know! how about i take you guys with me, my sister won't mind as long as i take take care of you guys" Rowan took the box the cats were in and walk towards his destination "by the way since im taking care of you guys now your gonna need to know my name, my name is Ezral D Rowan" he stopped and look at them with a smile then continued to walk

Whitebeard Pirates POV:

"you guys don't have a home" the boy asked "we have a home but we ran into trouble" namur said "namur he cant understand us cause were cats" izo looked at namur "so that means he's only hearing us meowing?" ace asked while tilting his head "i believe so my son" whitebeard looked at his son "ooh you guys don't have a home thats sad" the boy said with a frown "that does sound sad but we do have a home yoi" marco looked at the kid "i know! how about i take you guys with me, my sister won't mind as long as i take take care of you guys" the boy smiled while picking up the box "Well it looks like we will have someone take care of us until we turn back" thatch with a smile on his face "don't get to happy yoi, just because you get to spend time with a kid doesn't help us getting back to the ship and not in a cats body yoi" marco stated "welp atleast we won't starve" izo calmly said suddenly the boy stopped and look at them "huh why he stopped?" thatch tilting his head towards the boy then the boy smiled at them and said "by the way since im taking care of you guys now your gonna need to know my name, my name is Ezral D Rowan" the boy said "so rowans is he's name huh" vista said "not to mention he's a D gurarara" pops laughing knowing the fact that the boy will be interesting since every D is not normal

walking through the forest until we reach to a cliff and a broom leaning to the tree "umm why are we near a cliff" thatch questioned "i dont know yoi but it looks like he also have a broom with him too" marco said while pointing with his face towards the broom "he's not gonna smack us with the broom down the cliff right!?" haruta panicked "im sure thats not it he must have a reason" vista said

the boy walks towards the broom and grabbed and walks towards the cliff at the near end and ride on the broom like a witch "what the what is he-" before haruta could finish his words the broom started to lift off and fly like a witches broom "WHAT THE HOW IS THIS BROOM FLYING!" thatch yelled panicking with suprised "WHATEVER IT IS ITS SO COOL" ace excitedly shining eyes with stars

After a while flying "were almost home so im gonna speed up a bit hold on tight!" rowan stated the cats hold onto the box tight and suddenlt they started flying fasted "WHOA SO FAST, IS THIS WHAT YOU FEEL MARCO WHILE FLYING" haruta with stars in his eyes "yea but this is twice faster yoi" marco said feeling the breeze of the wind "Gurarara this kid is interesting that's for sure" whitebeard laughed

"he sure is, hey can he join the crew pops!" haruta asked excitedly thinking about having a baby brother that can fly with a broom "im not sure my son from what i heard earlier when he picked us up he said something about his sister unless his sister agrees" pops said while they were talking and feeling the breeze they land and sneak into a huge cave and went inside, inside the cave there was a house, rowan walks in his house looking around "phew sis is still not home" rowan sigh waling towards the living room and placed the cats down "now that were here are you guys hungry?" he said

Author: ok im gonna change the way i type with the talking just sometimes or thats what you called, or is it change the way you type??? i dont know what its called but yeah im gonna change some thing with the type of talking here (btw if you have read the info and did not see the cat picture, its because i just got a new idea and im gonna add a cat there, so i change the story a bit, sorry)

Ace: FOOD "ace jumps around"

Thatch: your always hungry for food "thatch sigh with his paw on his forehead"

izo: he always is "izo sigh"

Rowan: i'll take that as a yes "rowan starts to walk towards the kitchen with the cats following from behind"

        As rowan walks towards the kitchen they saw a certain cat with 2 tails eating an omurice on the table, rowan then notice the 2 tailed cat and greet the 2 tailed cat "hey nuo!" rowan waved at the 2 tailed cat, meanwhile with the whitebeard pirates looked at the 2 tailed cat curiously wanting to know it

the 2 tailed cat stop eating and looked at rowan and the whitebeards "oh hey rowan your finally back and why are there cats with you?" but before rowan could answer the 2 tailed cat continued eating loudly, rowan look at the 2 tailed cat facepalm and then go to the table with the whitebeards following, the whitebeards climb up the chair and sit up the table

"ok so what do you guys eat?" rowan hands on his chin looking at the whitebeards "we eat human food thats what we eat" ace answered but only to be hit by a yellow paw "idiot were cats and he can't understand us yoi!" marco facepalmed at ace for his stupidity while the others sigh, but what they didn't know was that the 2 tailed cat can 

nuo: "the freckled cat said they eat human food" told rowan as rowan began to go make food while the others were shocked the 2 tailed cat can understand them

marco: wait you can understand us yoi

nuo: well yea, were both cats so we can understand each other

thatch: Ooh that makes sense

nuo: anyways my name is nuo what are you guys's name?

marco: im marco nice to meet you too yoi

whitebeards: im edward newgate as known as whitebeard nice to meet you brat"

vista: im vista please to meet you

izo: im izo and its nice to meet you

namur: im namur

haruta: im haruta! hope we can get along!

ace: im ace nice to meet you!

nuo: nice to meet you too "he smiled continued eating"

"im back and i brought some cooked meat with me" rowan walks towards the kitchen placing the meats down the table "hope you guys like it, i don't have mush skill for cooking so i cooked lots of meat with seasoning since there's a lot of you guys" rowan gave a nervous smile but yet cheerful smile, the cats began to eat the meats that rowan bought

ace: MEAT!!!

haruta: oi ace don't eat it all!!!

-------------After a while--------------

"man that was good" ace close eyes smiled satisfied with the food "not bad for a kid" thatch impress with the flavour... suddenly a loud crashing coming outside of the house in the backyard

haruta: umm what was that???  "haruta asked quite surprised"

marco: i don't know but i have a feeling this place is not normal yoi  "marco stated everyone nods in agreement"

rowan: oh no not again i'll go check it out, you guys can explore or play some stuff but please don't mess or break some stuff i will get in lot of trouble  "rowan said with a nervous smile walks towards the backyards"

marco: so what was that nuo yoi?  "marco asked with a curious face"

nuo: thats probably one of the dragon trying to come inside the house again

everyone except whitebeard: WHAT DRAGON IS COMING INSIDE THE HOUSE! " they shook hearing the news with wide eyes while whitebeard was surprised"

1644 Words (26/1/2022)

To Be Continue...

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