Chapter 3

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"it sometimes happens like this, dragon likes to barge into our house cause of the nice smell or aura" nuo explained like it was normal (cause it is) everybody just shook (i mean like its not everyday you get dragons trying to barge in)

marco: so are we gonna do nothing except leaving a kid fighting a dragon on his own yoi!

nuo: he'll be fine its normal, this happens mostly when Eliza isn't home

everybody except whitebeard, ace, namur: THATS NOT WHAT WE MEANT! ╰(‵□′)╯


nuo: (*  ̄︿ ̄) im not dealing with this bull#&$! im out of here "she jumps down from the table and walk away"

everybody: DON'T JUST WALK AWAY! ╰(‵□′)╯

nuo: ( ̄ε(# ̄)

whitebeards: Gurararara i like the brat!

izo: of course you like that brat  (¬_¬ )

Marco: enough! we need to figure out how to get back on the ship yoi!

vista: well we can start by what happened before this

ace: well we were on our ship like usual until we went past a purple gust

haruta: that's it! that's the cause of it

everyone looked at haruta confused

haruta: when the purple smoke past us we suddenly got turned into cats

izo: that makes sense, it did happen when we went right past it


"ok guys now that we're full lets name you guys" ezral said slapping both hands together face close eyes smile "now lets see..." he looked at all the cats and eyes laid on the cat with freckles "aha!" he pointed at ace "huh me?" ace said pointing his paw at himself "your name will be macy" he said smiling, ace just processed what he said "WHAT IM BOY" ace yelled while everybody laughs at his new name "hahaha guess we should call you macy since its your new name hahaha!" thatch said laughing almost tears falling, ace was blushing from embarrassment and pouting "you with the pineapple haircut" ezral pointed at marco, marco's eyes twitched at the name he called him "your name will be called 'nanas' which means pineapple of course" he said cause marco's eyes to twitched again and a tick mark on his forehead then marco sigh and said "of course..." the others laughed

after a while of naming the cats some like their new names while some doesnt like their new name


1. whitebeard: whitey

2. marco: nanas (pineapple)

3. ace:  macy

4. thatch: pompadour

5. izo: lucious

6. namur: ezral jr

7. haruta: red

8. vista: cozy

"i like my name" izo said smirking mocking the others "same my name fits me" said haruta "yea yea quit it" ace said still upset "oh your just jealous you dont have a better name" said izo causing ace to roll his eyes away from izo "i dont know how to say about my name" said namur


nuo: hey marco 

Marco: yea

nuo: your not really a cat now are you?

Marco: ... 'sigh' were really bad at hiding it huh?

nuo: yup its pretty obvious

nuo: anyway if your not really a cat then what are you?

Marco: well to tell you the truth I'm a human


"what your a human!?" nuo said surprised then he looked at Marco to confirm "then how did you become a cat then!?" "well we don't know really all we know is that we got pass a purple gust that was heading our ship" Marco said calmly "purple gust? and ship?" then he processed what Marco said and realize "WAIT ARE YOU A PIRATE" he yelled "yup I'm Marco or should i say Marco the phoenix 1st division of the whitebeard pirates" "w-whitebeard pirates" he stutter then he was facepalm not even gonna react to anything now consider his life is already full of surprises "haah...  why am i even surprise" nuo said closing his eyes and sigh

-----------------timeskip again-----------------------

"you know i kinda like this living style" ace said laying on a futon while thatch look at him with disbelief "first we turn into cats second we dont know how to turn back and third your okay with this!?" thatch yelled looking at ace who was sleeping "why do i bother" thatch sigh

the sun was setting and rowan was playing with red (haruta), namur, vista and whitebeard were talking, izo and marco were exploring their 'new home' while ace thatch were playing with their tails that is until they heard a door opened 

3rd POV:

"Hey hey hey!!! I'm home" said a smiling girl the others heard her run towards the girl's voice "Welcome back! Oneesan!"the boy said smiling before hugging the girl burying his head onto her stomach the girl just ruffled his hair smiling until she notice a bunch of cats looking at them
she turned her gaze towards the cats and said "and who are those cuties!" she smiled she walk over to them pet the pineapple looking cat and he purred "aww!!! HES SO ADORABLE!" she cooed rubbing his chin "i know right!" rowan said walking up his sister "so~ can we keep them?" he asked with big eyes eliza looked at her brother that was flashing brightly

.·'¯'(>▂<)'¯'·.  'ahh so bright' eliza thought then stand up and look at her brother "OF COURSE WE'LL KEEP THEM!" she said smiling with her brother they both jump in celebrating while the rest of the whitebeards cats just watch and a certain black cat nuo was watching them ( ﹁ ﹁ ) ~  rolled his eyes and walk away without anyone knowing but unknown to him a ceartain cat with a a pompadour hair  notice him and grined run towards him and shout "hey! nuo!" thatch shout smiling while running to nuo, nuo turned around and saw thatch running towards him and he simply just run away from him but thatch is not giving up and still chase him

the cat and mouse chase went on for minutes until thatch stop "'pant' 'pant' man 'pant' your fast! 'pant'" thatch said breathing heavily, nuo stop running looked at the man and smirked "why of course, i am the fastest cat of all time!" he said proudly of himself and thatch notice he likes to talk big about himself and likes compliment thatch smiled mischievously "and you have beautiful fur~" thatch said sarcastically "why of course! im special!"  he said proudly of himself again "then come here and let me see your pretty fur up close" then nuo did as thatch said and when nuo got close thatch took this opportunity and jump on him catching nuo, nuo was caught by surprise and tried to get out "Oi! let me go!" 😡 nuo said struggling to get out of thatch's hold, thatch grinned and said "no way! your gonna escape again!" then a figure was behind them

"what are you guys doing?" thatch and nuo turned around and saw a big furball with a bunch of leaves attach to it with mud making it look like a monster tree, nuo and thatch's soul leaves their body "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"


"WHAT THE HECK ORANGE POOP YOU TRYING TO KILL US!" nuo shouted glaring at ace, ace was offended by the nickname earning a thick mark appear from his forehead "HUH! ORANGE POOP!? YOU CALLING ME UGLY!? IM NOT UGLY YOU NOODLE CAT!" a thick mark appear from nuo's head "EXCUSE ME WHAT DO YOU MEAN BOODLE CAT MY BODY ISNT EVEN THAT SLIM YOU UGLY UGLY CAT!" "YOUR THE DUMBEST CAT EVER YOU CANT EVEN TELL APART OF A HANDSOME CAT AND AN UGLY CAT" "HUH!!!" "HUH!!!"

nuo and ace continued arguing while thatch just watch them and laughed by the nick name they gave eachother "what's going on yoi" thatch saw marco and said "they are just getting along" "that doesnt look like they are getting along" "its a new way of getting along!" marco just deadpanned at thatch's dumb way of saying 'getting along' when they're clearly not getting along

"FINE THEN SAY IM DUMB ALL YOU WANT BUT YOU'LL KNOW IM SAYING THE TRUTH THAT YOUR WRONG" "IM NEVER WRONG YOUR THE ONES THATS WRONG" they both turn around walk away from each other 'sigh' a pineapple cat sighed

'what did we just get ourselves into'


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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