Chapter 20

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Ever since the picnic the atmosphere has been a little different between Loki and Freyja. They have never spent this much time together outside of Freyja's magic lessons before. It was refreshing to have been so casual with each other. And it had been nice to see him genuinely smile that much. Since the picnic Freyja blushed everytime Loki caught her staring at him at dinner. Every little touch released butterflies in her stomach. But nothing had happened besides the butterflies and staring. They never talked about that day again. Loki had accompanied her to her room but only because Loki's was right down the corridor from hers. They had gone about their magic lessons as per usual and she was following her daily routine: breakfast, magic, lunch, training, reading, dinner.

Freyja watched as the handsome god brushed over his lips with his long fingers, her cotton candy brain not taking in a word he was saying. She could not avert her gaze, it was glued to his elegant hands, her imagination running wild. What would they feel like on her body? What if they touched her lips again instead of his own?

Even though the Asgardian wine had affected her more than him and she definitely did have a slight headache the next day, Freyja had burned that moment at sunset into her brain. She would never forget the way his fingers brushed away the sugar from her lips, the look in his eyes when he brought their hands to his lips, when he sucked the sweetness from his thumb and looked her straight in the eyes. Focusing on the magic lectures was hard with those images and many more in her head and she firmly believed nobody could blame her.

He put his hands back down on the parchment.


Oh what he could do with those hands. Her legs became a little shaky and she was very grateful to be sitting down at this moment.

"Freyja, are you still with me?"

She blinked and was pulled out of her daydream, back to reality. Where did those thoughts come from?

"Huh?" Loki could definitely tell she had been daydreaming.

He chuckled. "That brilliant mind of yours, always occupied. Tell me what distracts you from my precious lectures?" He closed one of the books that was flying in mid-air with a lazy flick of his fingers and eyed her thoroughly.

"I was just... thinking.", she felt herself blushing.

"Well, less thinking, more listening", he chastised her. "Your last enchantment was disappointing to say the least."

Freyja snarled at his mean comment. "I bet I am progressing way faster than you did when you first started out considering I'm a full grown adult."

"You - in fact - do not. I actually made Thor hit himself with his trustworthy hammer three days into learning enchantment. And it is not even my kind of magic", the god boasted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Freyja let out a laugh and rolled her eyes. "Please! That's not a huge success. Your brother's mind is easily manipulated."

"I can't argue with that. He's weak", he shrugged. Loki let the books fly to their dedicated place and Freyja looked at him with a questioning face.

"Are you done tormenting me already?", she arched her eyebrows, not being able to do it with just one like Loki so effortlessly did on a regular basis. She had tried several times in front of the mirror and thanked the gods nobody saw the embarrassment that was her every time.

"We will finish the lesson for today so we can get going earlier. I still have to make some preparations", the god declared.

"Wait what? Where are we going?", Freyja asked, confused.

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