About The Hashira: Giyu Tomioka

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Kaoi: Ok Beatrice, today we're going to talk about my master's counterpart, the Hashira of Water, Giyu Tomioka.

Beatrice: Counterpart?

Kaoi: Yeah it's a little-known fact that for as long as Demon Slayers have existed. There has always been a Hashira of Flame and Water respectively.

Beatrice: I see...

Kaoi: Anyway, similar to Mitsuki-Senpai, I met Tomioka-san before he became an Hashira. We were partnered up for a mission.

Beatrice: What was he like then?

Kaoi: The best... I could describe him would be... standoffish. He certainly kept to himself most of the time. We barely spoke during the mission and I never heard from him after. To be honest I kind of forgot about him a bit. Quite the demon slayer, though.

Beatrice: Is that so?

Kaoi: Yeah, it wasn't until Rengoku-sama told me about the new Water Hashira that I remember that one mission.

Beatrice: Hmmmm...

Kaoi: What are you thinking, Beatrice?

Beatrice: This Tomioka...

Kaoi: Yeah?

Beatrice: Sounds like the kind of person with no friends.

Kaoi: Hrk! Well, I can't really dispute that...

Kaoi: I mean Shinobu-san seemed friendly with him enough...

Kaoi: Although I do wonder if the reason he is standoffish is linked to...

Beatrice: Link to what, I suppose?

Kaoi: ... No, it wouldn't be right about that behind his back. Even in another world.

Beatrice: Hmph! Then don't waste Betty's time.

Kaoi: Alright, well I got to go. See you next time, Teacher.

As Kaoi left the library, he still couldn't stop thinking about the time he did spend with Tomioka. Despite being a man of few words, one thing that stuck out to Kaoi was this underlying feeling he sensed from the Water-Breathing User.

That underlying feeling of guilt and sadness.

Whether it was on a mission or Hashira meetings, Kaoi would always sense those emotions from Tomioka-san. He thought about speaking to Rengoku-sama about it but decided it wouldn't be right.

Kaoi just wishes for the best for him and that the next time they meet those emotions would be gone. That someone could come along and absolve him.


Kaoi: Hello Re: Slayer readers and welcome back to Mailtime!

Beatrice: Today, Betty and Betty's student will answer a question from Megamansmash.

"What if Muichiro transport in Re: Zero?"

Kaoi: Well let's ask Muichirou then.

Kaoi and Beatrice turn to the Mist Hashira, who is looking at nothing.

Beatrice: Ah hmmm...

Muichiro: Oh! Well... I guess I would wander around. Maybe end up in that alley but I wouldn't help that girl after that. It's not my business if her thing got stolen. I guess I would try my luck outside the city for food and work.

Beatrice: [deadpans] Really...

Kaoi: Yeah that seems about right.

Beatrice: I do wonder if he would have gotten far enough to not be affected by Bubby when he destroyed the world when the Half-Elf dies.

Kaoi: That is a valid questio- Wait! What!

Beatrice: Oh right, you never found out, I suppose. You see, if the Half-Elf were to die then Bubby would destroy the world.

Muichiro: If that is the case then I would investigate and I guess slay the cat spirit.

Beatrice: Like that could ever happen!

Kaoi: And with that, we end our session. Now remember just ask the question in the latest chapter of "Betty wants to know..." and we'll get back to you next time. But for now have a good day!

Beatrice: Farewell.

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