Chapter 5: The Rainforest Monster

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"My life may be short, but there is a lot to tell."

The odd dragonet sits at my talons, absent-mindedly doodling in the sand.

"My name is Howler Monkey. I am half RainWing, half NightWing. My parents abandoned me on the edge of the tree line as an egg, where I was found by a troop of MudWings. They waited for me to hatch, & when I did, they put me to work almost immediately. I would work from sunrise to sunset, living off of table scraps & sleeping tied up outside. The MudWings beat me every day, calling me a freak. I would wait on them talon & tail, only to be mistreated horribly. Eventually, they got tired of me, claiming that my voice was too high & that I ate up all their food. Before they could kill me, I hit the Bigwings in the face with my venom & escaped into the forest

"I have despised MudWings since. They never taught me to fly or speak. I am only capable of the latter because I listened to them talking constantly. My name is for the horrible screaming I make instead of a roar. I have lived in the rainforest since my escape. In the past years, I have killed off any MudWings who dare to enter the jungle. Because of this, the MudWings learned to fear me as the terrible 'Rainforest Monster'," The small dragon sits & stares at us, large dark brown eyes staring into my blue ones.

We end up staying with the hybrid for a little longer, speaking about each of our stories.

After a little bit, the RainWing, NightWing speaks once again, "I  have contacted a dragon who says she will help me. She will be here soon."

As if on cue, a golden flash on the east horizon catches my attention. Soon, a golden SkyWing lands on the beach, stirring up some sand as her large wings give one last flap. Once the sand clears from our eyes, both the odd golden dragon & Howler Monkey have disappeared, leaving a note where the dragonet once stood. I pick up the note in my cold talon. It reads: 

"Dear Strangers,

Howler Monkey is in good talons. I will keep her safe until the day I fall.



Seeing that the sun is now 3 claws above the horizon, we fly off to the meeting place.


Bye until I write again my kitties!

~<3 Shady 

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