Chapter 3: Why is there so much mud here!?

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When I am led out of the dungeon, I am bathed & an elegant powder-blue cloak is draped across my wings. I let out a yelp as a polar bear claw is forced through my ear. 

Once my mother deems me "presentable", my brother, Hailstorm grabs my chains & flys me southeast to my new home.

We stop in the sand palace to rest in Queen Thorn's guest room. The Kingdom of Sand is miserable, it is so hot & dry

It takes a few days of flying before a huge, murky area of land appears on the horizon. We reach the inner part of the kingdom & dive towards a small, broken hut. I land & my talons sink into the mud immediately.

"Eeeewwww..." I groan at the disturbing feeling.

"She's here!!!" I look at the doorway to the hut to see a MudWing with a stupid grin spread across his stupid face, "Hey, I'm Reed! I'm your new bigwings!"

Reed climbs out of his hut & draws up to his full height of about half a head taller than me & around the same height as my brother.

Two more dragons climb out of the hut, one is a thin female who looks like smiling is a foreign word, the other is a short male, who looks exactly like...

"You!" I growl at the short dragon, who has already recognized me & takes a cautious step towards his older brother, "I thought you & your stupid sister were still missing!"

"W-we got back yesterday!" He cries.

"Where is she?" I ask cautiously.

"S-she's at the w-waterfall!"

I lift off & fly towards the waterfall. I haven't been there since...

My battalion had been sent to attack the mud kingdom, & I was in the heat of battle. I saw a MudWing kill one of my soldiers who was about to attack a smaller dragon who looked just like her. I f you couldn't guess, the MudWings where none other than Sora & Crane.

I flew down & landed on Crane's back, running my serrated claws across her throat, killing her. 

I looked up at her sister. Before I lifted off again I cracked a small smile at her horrified face, trying to comfort her butifu- I-I mean stupid!- face, but I think it looked more like I was mocking her.

As I near the waterfall I see the small, round shape of Sora.

I dive & land silently beside her. She is crying. I guess she never really got a chance to mourn during the war. I wrap my cold wing around her smaller body, expecting her to pull away & yell at me to go away. Instead, she turns & collapses against my body, burying her flat head in the dip between my neck & my shoulder.

I wrap my wings & arms around her, she holds tightly to my fragile form.

By the time Sora calms down, we are both covered in mud from each other's talons. We giggle & sit down.

"Sooo..." Sora begins, "Your our new transfer soldier."

"Was that a question or a statement?" I joke, "but... yeah, I wasn't too thrilled with the idea either."

"I mean, it could be worse."

"Oh yeah? How?"

"You could have been assigned a RainWing. Or even worse, Glory's personal guard! Either way, Deathbringer would literally kill you!"

"Yeah." We both giggle.

"So. Any questions about your new home?"

"Actually, yeah. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH MUD HERE!?" I yell & wipe some mud off of my talons.

We talk for a while before we fly back to our hut.


578 words!

Bye until I write again my kitties!

~<3 Shady 

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