Chapter 6: Nightmares

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I'm on the battlefield by the waterfall again, dragons are dying all around me. Crane is by my side, slashing at IceWings left & right. I check my surroundings & spot a familiar IceWing locked in battle with a MudWing twice her size, clawing at him as he tries to strangle her. I start to run over to help her before remembering that she's the enemy right now, not the glittering dragoness who didn't think twice about protecting me from the danger in the rainforest.

Icicle manages to rid herself of the MudWing by bludgeoning him with her spiked tail. A shadow descends on me as an IceWing tries to attack me, but Crane leaps over my head & pins the white dragon under her claws, drawing dark blue blood from his scales. The IceWing morphs into Icicle & I scream, not wanting her to be killed by my ruthless sister.

"Crane! Please, stop!" I try to pull her off of the struggling dragoness.

"Sora, have you gone insane!? She's the enemy! She tried to kill you!"

"Stop! Now!" I look down at Icicle to see that she's giving me a pleading look, silently begging me to save her.

"Why should I?"

"Because she's my friend!"

My sister rolls her eyes turns back to the IceWing under her talons. With one swift motion, she snaps Icicle's neck before turning towards me & pinning me by the shoulders. She leans down & whisper's in my ear: "Traitor." With that, she slices my throat.


I jolt awake with a scream before coming to my senses. I'm not on a battlefield, I'm in my hut. It's not daytime, it's the middle of the night. And, most importantly, Icicle isn't dead, she's sitting on the ground beside me, looking at me nervously.

"You okay, Sora?"

"Yeah, just a bad dream."

The white dragoness walks over & wraps her wings around me. I lean against her & let out my tears.

She starts whispering calming words to me: "It's okay, Sora, it's okay. I'm right here if you want to talk."

I shake my head & wrap my arms around her slender neck, burying my head in her chest.

She chuckles before speaking to me again, "Hey, look at me." I look up at her icy blue eyes, "If you ever need me, I'll be right here, okay?"

I nod.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep. You should, too."


I curl up beside my siblings while Icicle lays down in her corner.

~>POV swap<~


I'm walking down the halls of Jade Mountain Academy, on the way to my sleeping cave. I'm looking for my favorite dragon in the whole school. I think about her golden brown scales as I enter the room. She's there in her mud pit, a scroll in her claws & a peaceful smile on her face.

"Hey, Sora."

The kind MudWing looks up at me & smiles, "Hey, Icicle. What's up?"

"I-umm, I brought you a cow from the prey center."

"Oh, thanks!" I hand(talon?) her the already dead creature & she begins eating.

I smile & climb onto my rock shelf to sleep, but then I realize that this would be the perfect time to get to know her better.

"Hey... ya wanna talk?"


"Why not?"

"Because you're a murderer who killed my favorite sibling."

"I-I didn't know!"

"But you still killed her!" The MudWing shrieks & lunges at me. I try to get free, but she's much stronger than I am.

"Sora! Please, don't hurt me!"

"Too late."

She presses down on my throat in warning, but gets off before she actually kills me. 

A dragon enters the cave behind me & I turn to see Flame, the SkyWing in our winglet. He walks over to Sora & slings a wing across her back. She leans into him & rests her head on his shoulder, smiling wider than I've ever seen her smile.

"Hey, hon," Sora mutters to the tall dragon. I freeze, they're dating!? I think enviously.

The SkyWing kisses the lovely MudWing on the top of the head.


I wake up more silently than Sora did, tears streaming down my cheeks. I look over at Sora before inching closer to her, just close enough that I can hear her breathing, well, it's more like light snoring. Her tail unconsciously flicks over the tip of my tail & she rolls over, getting closer  to me. I rest my cold wing on top of hers, earning a shiver caused by the sudden cold. I pull my wing back quickly, but she rolls over on top of it & I know that I'm just gonna have to sleep like this. I rest my head on the ground as near the beautiful dragoness as I can get with her on top of my wing, getting just near enough to tuck my nose under her wingtip.

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