11. Danger

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The next day

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The next day

It was the night of the mission. All the agents were ready with their gears and ammunition. They got in their vans and went towards the warehouse. Taehyung, Jimin and Jin were at the base and were keeping track of the progress.

On reaching their location they quietly came out of the vans. "Junghoon hyung take your team from the backdoor and we will attack them from the front." Jungkook said into his earpiece and then advanced towards the warehouse. Everything was quiet and eerie. Something felt wrong to him but he overlooked this feeling of his.

Suddenly, a lot of men came out of the warehouse and started open firing at them. "What the hell? Why are there so many people?" Bogum yelled. They took out their weapons but to their surprise none of them worked. "What's wrong with the guns? Why aren't they working?" Yoongi yelled in frustration.

"Jungkook abort the mission. ABORT THE MISSION. There are too many of them. The guns are not working as well." Junghoon yelled frantically trying to protect himself from the firing. "MISSION ABORT! MISSION ABORT! " Jungkook gave the order and the agents started evacuating the site but more people came from behind and surrounded them blocking their exit.

The agents had no other option but to fight off the goons. "Ok guys. Let's show them our skills and try not go get killed." Jungkook said and charged towards the enemy. All the agents were doing their best but they were at a disadvantage as the other team had weapons. Amidst all this Yoongi and Kai got shot. Jungkook was furious would be an understatement. He saw red and shifted into his wolf form. 

His wolf was five times the size of an alpha and his red eyes made him look terrifying. Kim Hyunsik's men were scared sh*tless after seeing the gigantic wolf in front of them. They too transformed into their wolf form but were no match for the True Blood. Jungkook went on a killing spree and did not stop untill all the goons had been killed.

He transformed back to his original self and looked around. The site was horrific but he had to kill in order to save his team mates. He turned towards them and saw his injured team smiling at him thankful for saving their lives. He took a step forward but his surroundings got hazy. He was not able to keep himself up anymore. He fell on the ground thinking about a certain omega before darkness enveloped him.

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Tears were flowing down continuously from Taehyung's eyes. Jungkook was in the operation theatre and there was no news of him from the past 3 hours.

All the team members had been treated. Yoongi and Kai had been lucky that the bullets had just scraped them and they did not have any major injury. Jungkook though was not so lucky. He had been shot on the stomach and had lost quite a lot of blood. Taehyung had freaked out when he saw his boyfriend covered in blood and had cried his eyes out. Since then everyone was at the medical bay waiting for any news about the True Blood.

After some time the doctor came out and Taehyung rushed towards him. "Don't worry. He is absolutely fine. Just a little weak but since he is a True Blood he is healing quickly." The doctor informed them and everyone sighed in relief. "You can meet him when he wakes up." The doctor said before exiting.

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Taehyung was clinging to Jungkook like his life depended on it. He had cried his heart out in his boyfriend's arms telling him how scared he was and how much he had missed him. Taehyung had then fallen asleep hugging Jungkook.

Jungkook was stroking Taehyung's hair when he heard a voice. "Thank god he is finally sleeping. He was crying continuously since you arrived. I was scared that he will get sick." He looked up to see Jimin, Namjoon and Junghoon entering the room. He greeted them with a smile.

"How are you feeling kook?" Junghoon asked with a worry laced voice. "Good! Hyung. I am absolutely fine and since I am a True Blood I'm almost healed. I'll be all better by tomorrow and ready to go on another mission in a few days." Jungkook said assuring everyone.

"You should rest now. Mr. Lee has called for a meeting tomorrow. We all almost got killed so he wanted to address the situation." Namjoon said and then all of them left the room leaving Jungkook alone with his sleeping boyfriend.

Jungkook sighed. He thought that he was not going to survive and it did not scare him. But now looking at how Taehyung reacted he was scared. Scared to leave him alone. He kissed the omega on his forehead and laid themselves down. He embraced Taehyung tightly taking in his relaxing pheromones before sinking into the world of dreams.

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