A Little Possessive

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Chapter XVII

The band had a meeting at YG the next day. All three arrived on time, except Jisoo. Lisa wondered if she should text her. She had already typed a few words on her phone but kept deleting them because she was worried that it would look awkward.

After a few minutes, Jennie spotted the woman she had been worried about and said, "Unnie, what took you so long?" Jennie knitted her eyebrows while Jisoo nervously laughed at her question. Lisa noticed that she hadn't changed her outfit yet from last night and gave her a questioning look. Jisoo diverted her gaze from her friends when Hae-in popped up behind her.

The three girls were dumbfounded. "Text me when you're free," he whispered as he smiled warmly at her. The brunette remained silent, but the sight caused a searing sensation in her chest, prompting her to instinctively shoot daggers at him. First, she didn't change her outfit. Second, why was Hae-in with her?

As Hae-in walked away, he gulped as he felt a burning hole in his back from someone's gaze.

Rośe and Jennie noticed the tension in the room. They knew that they were probably fighting again, but they both thought that the best time to ask them would be after work since they were already running a few minutes late.

The two ignored each other in the meeting; it was even evident to their CEO. Ignoring their personal situation, he asked about what activities they would want to do for The Show, The Movie, Rośe's solo debut, and the second upcoming album. Lisa mentioned that she wanted to do another Lilifilm Dance Performance, which their boss had no problem with, so he asked Lisa to send more details to his secretary.

Lisa felt excited with approval, so she sent Chesir a text right away regarding the choreography.

After the meeting, Rośe and Jennie stayed at the conference room to arrange a few papers for the upcoming solo and album.

Lisa and Jisoo were about to go their way until their boss called them. The most inconvenient thing happened: he instructed the two to keep an eye on Treasure's choreography because he had an important meeting to attend to.

Lisa and Jisoo were left confined in a room while waiting for the members of Treasure to come, and the tense atmosphere between them felt crushing until Lisa broke the silence as she felt a tidal of emotions when she noticed Hae-in's name on Jisoo's buzzing phone.

"So, what, are you guys like a thing now?" Lisa asked sarcastically. She couldn't contain the uneasiness anymore so she threw the question without a second thought.

"What now?" Jisoo inquired, despite the fact that she had anticipated the question.

"Where were you last night?" Lisa asked, her gaze shifting away from her.

Jisoo sarcastically asked, "Why do you even care about that?" She was determined to play her cards right. She was interested to see how Lisa would react if she provoked her.

"For fucks sake, you didn't change, and Hae-in dropped you off," Lisa snarled, and Jisoo was taken aback by her outburst. Was she upset this time?

Jisoo furrowed her brows and asked, "What does that even mean to you?"

Lisa murmured, "I don't know, you tell me."

It fell silent for a brief moment. The brunette was suffocating because she was running through so many scenarios in her thoughts. Jisoo then observed Lisa sulking against the studio's mirror wall.

"We didn't do anything, if that's what you're thinking." Jisoo sighed as she reassured her- to whatever was on her mind. She knew her words were unsatisfactory because she came up to the company wearing the same clothes she wore the night before, she actually haven't slept a wink yet because they ended up playing Valorant at Hae-in's. The man didn't take Jisoo's rejection personally. They only met for a short time but he wanted to remain close to her.

"We went out for a drink and played a few games, nothing more or less,"  she added.

The pang in Lisa's chest didn't subside but she felt slightly reassured with Jisoo's words. "Okay," she responded. She didn't want to look controlling.

"I just want you to myself," Lisa said at the back of her mind.

"So how are you and Jackson?" Jisoo asked and Lisa shot her eyes open because he almost forgot about him.

"We're cool," Lisa said flatly.

Jisoo's lips curved into a sad smile. Before she could say anything else, the members of Treasure already entered the studio.

Little did they know that Lisa's mom was on her way to South Korea.

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