Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

CeCe's POV:

"Rocky, it's going to be ok. The results will be here soon." I told her rubbing her arm. "Thanks CeCe. I love you so much" I smiled at her and moved her hair back. "I know, I love you too" I lifted the cup of water from the side table and gave it to her. "Thanks" she took it gratefully taking an obnoxious swig of the cold liquid. I chuckled. She gave me a look. " I'm thirsty ok!" She defended herself. "I can see that!" I said laughing. She gave me a small smile and gave me the water back. I took it from her weak hands and set it on the brown wooden table. Just then the nurse walked in. "Raquel Blue?" She asked looking between Rocky and I. "Right here" a small voice piped up beside me. "You have some visitors" she said stepping out of the way to let whoever it was in. Harrison, Deuce, Ty, and Flynn walked in. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok love?!" Harrison ran up to Rocky and grabbed her hand. I instinctively backed away from them to give them space; and walked to the group that came in earlier. "Thanks for coming guys, it means a lot to Rocky" "I can see that" Ty commented as he looked at his sister smiling lovingly at her boyfriend. "When you told us she was rushed to hospital you sounded like you where going to burst into tears. Your a great friend CeCe." Deuce gave my shoulder a squeeze" "I know, I'm worried about her." "We are too CeCe." Ty interrupted, giving me a hug. I hugged him back; grateful for the comfort. "CeCe look!" I looked over to where Flynn was pointing and saw Rocky and Harrison having a moment. "Aww!" We all cooed. Flynn has matured these past few years; normally he'd exclaim- "BARF!" Came a voice -Flynn's. yeah never mind. I thought quietly.

*Meanwhile with Rocky and Harrison*

Rocky's POV:

"Aw, I love you so much you don't even know" I told him. Currently he's kneeling beside the bed holding my hand. "To the moon and back." He clarified. I giggled at that comment. We always said that to each other when we first started dating at age 15. He gave me a light squeeze and leaned in. I did the same but something stopped me. "Harrison, I love you and I REALLY want to kiss you but.... I need a bucket!" I exclaimed urgently. He knew instantly by the expression on my face that I was going to be sick. He grabbed the bucket luckily right beside him and gave it to me. I hadn't had anything to eat since my last episode so I dry heaved for like 30 seconds. Harrison, being the gentleman he is, graciously held my hair back. It was painful and burned my throat but it was finally over. CeCe ran over, noticing the commotion, and gave me the water. Every one is now around me watching my reaction. They are all nervous for me. In a nutshell they are the best people in the world. Suddenly the nurse walked in. It looked as if she was saddened by something. It might have something to do with what's on that piece paper in her hand. I gulped, preparing myself for the worst.

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