Chapter 30 [Diverging Point:Taeko]

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[Art is not mine]

Taeko's P.O.V

It was kinda late while me and Sheele traveled along side one and other, we had to split up from the team earler so i had been sent with Sheele to find the Oarburgh base, after a moment of silence Sheele finally spoke up.

Sheele:"Do you ever think for yourself?"

Taeko:"Of course i do, what kind of question is that?"

Sheele:"I can read your eye's, you think "What would the Empress want me to do?" That isn't thinking for yourself that's thinking like a boot licker."

Taeko:"Boot licker!?"

Sheele:"I know plenty of them, the flower maiden's have several who think that our leader want's us to be just like her then they get hurt."

Taeko:(Am i really a "Boot Licker" in her eye's? Maybe i do let my loyalty to the empress kind if dictate my action's a bit, i'll have to speak with her royal highness when i see her again.)

While i thought about what she said Sheele suddenly held out [Extace] stoping me from moving forward, i looked up and saw a pair of girl's headed for us.

While i thought about what she said Sheele suddenly held out [Extace] stoping me from moving forward, i looked up and saw a pair of girl's headed for us

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Meela:"Well look at what the cat dragged in sis."

Loris:"The empress' personal assassin and one of the top flower maiden's, i wonder if there on the right path if love?"

Sheele:"Oarburgh's for sure-

Sheele:"Oarburgh's for sure-

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-Let's end this quickly."

Loris:"Aww, look's like we'll have to teach them the right kind of love sis."

Meela:"It would seem so."

Taeko:"Then you will be exterminated you pest

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Taeko:"Then you will be exterminated you pest."

The two girl's drew blade's from there hip's and charged at us.

Meela:"Hey miss maiden, come here!"

Loris:"Lil assassin, let's dance!"

Taeko:(Really wishing Lubbock was here, Cross Tail would give us a large advantage in this battle.)

Meela:"M-My sword, it's gone

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Meela:"M-My sword, it's gone."

Sheele:"They don't call Extace "The cutter of Creation" for nothing child."

Meela:"I'm not a child you bully!"

Sheele:(She scream's like a kid too.)

From the look's of it Meela was giving up after her sword was destroyed.

Loris:"Don't get too cocky silly, i'm not finished yet."

Taeko:(Next time it'll be my turn to attack

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Taeko:(Next time it'll be my turn to attack.):"Gotcha."

Loris:"Too slow!"


I swung my sword into her's sending it out of her hand and into the lake where she wouldn't be able to get it during combat, victory was in the palm of our hand's and the twin's understood that much.

Meela+Loris:"We surrender!"

Sheele:"Aren't you Oarburgh's? Don't you refuse to surrender?"

Meela:"That's Mera, but unlike her we don't want to die!"

Loris:"Were to young to die!"

Taeko:"Than you admit defeat?"


Taeko:"Then get out of my sight before i reconsider letting you two live."

Meela+Loris:"On it!"

The twin's started running for there live's knowing if they stood any longer they'de be killed by us.

Sheele:"Well, that's two down a whole bunch left to go."

Taeko:"At least there out of our sight now, let's find a place to rest for the night i can imagien that you're pretty tired."

Sheele:"There should be somewhere we could sleep tonight."

After a couple minute's of looking we found a place where we could sleep away from view of anyone that could have possibly been sent by Merraid to attack us, we ended up sleeping the entire night away and woke up ready to get on the move.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

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