Chapter 13

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 As they dragged their feet to the class after changing out of the paint-stained gear, Aizawa with another shit-eating grin, announced the offers that came in for the students about their internships at hero agencies.

Todoroki got drafted the most, followed by Bakugo, Tokoyomi and so on. Surprisingly, Shinsougot drafted by the devil the class better knew as their homeroom teacher, pro hero: Eraserhead. Almost the entire class got drafted by one or more heroes, that is except a couple of misfits.

As expected, Deku and Zero had zero offers. Why? It was a mixture of prejudice, confidentiality and fear. Pure fear at their brutal fight during the sports festival. No wants to be entangled in any sort of nasty business concerning unhinged children. So, no one made any offers to the two of them.

Aizawa was wondering if he should take the two of them along with Hitoshi, the sole gen-ed student who had made it to "The Hero Course". Maybe, he should wait for sometime, before drafting them. He didn't want them to go on internships, but since Nezu was adamant on rehabilitating the two of them, they must follow all procedures as mandated by the curriculum of hero course of UA.

He declared, "Class is out of session , fill these forms regarding your internship and submit it by the weekend. You will have to choose your hero names, but seeing as I am not fit for deeming them valid or not, Midnight Sensei will help you in choosing sensible hero names, for the names that you choose will follow you throughout your hero career." And he retreated back into his yellow sleeping bag, as the bell indicated the recess.

Deku and Zero, remained unfazed at the offers they received, or more specifically the lack of offers.

Soon, they were surrounded by the students on all fronts.

Deku goes, "Plan Alpha Gamma 5"

The two of them threw up confetti bombs, and ducked under their desks, to come out the other way and ran towards the cafeteria. At this show of severe social anxiety, the class had divided reactions.

Uraraka, Iida and Asui decided that it would be the best to approach the anomalous members of their class would be to be soft, kind and slow in approach. Well, the way you would approach a stray cat on a road. If luck be on your side, you would get to pet the cat. If you fail, try as many times as you meet the cat.

Mina found it too amusing a chance to let go. She roped Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari into finding ways to surround the two, just to see all the tricks they had up their sleeves.

The rest of the class was pretty neutral, as if they would talk to them should they overcome their crippling social anxiety, but would not improve or aggravate the situation.

Well, the decision to run to the cafeteria might not seem the best, but they ran to the cafeteria, got their lunch, and found a vent to get into and eat the Lunch Rush's delectable food.

They were obviously surprised that food could taste that good. During their missions, they didn't have that much of a choice in choosing their meals, drinks or clothes. The only requirement was utility, efficiency and stealth.

The two of them signed at each other, all throughout the recess.


D: Maybe being civilian is good, the food is good.

Z: Yes, but our normal is not normal.

D: Can't live without thrill.

Z: Internships?

D: H will draft us.

Z: Goodbye to good food.

D: Enjoy while it lasts.

After the recess, they enter the class through the vents. Of course, they had memorized all the routes and sub routes and sub sub routes of the entire campus. They were required to. Should anything out of the ordinary happen, they needed to be able to evacuate all the students they could.

When class 1-A entered the classroom, they were surprised to see them already in their seats. Of course, after staying awake for the past night, they had missed their lunch to find the two miscreants.

The said miscreants were of course unaware of this.

A/n:(you can skip this, I'm just rambling on, you know~)

Ok, so I don't know if I'll be able to do this series and the creator justice........I hope, all of you will bear with me...........I'm very excited about this first fanfic of mine.........To be honest, I adopted it extremely impulsively, almost like calling dibs so that no other creator could adopt it........

I'm excited and nervous.........I don't know how I'll do this..........but this story will be properly planned and executed, so all of you can expect the story to end in my care.........

As for the updates.......Yes, I'll have a schedule........Yes, I'll stay true to it............Yes, it won't kill me or you.........

So, I'll update every 9, 18 and 27 of the month.........

Next update will be on 27 the Jan.......I was too excited to complete one I uploaded it..........


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