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📍karting track, UK. Liked by connersmith19 and 23 others. @tashaanoukbutch: i got Luke a real go kart today! He will be participating in lots of training before he can follow his mother in the racing world! ❤️
@olivierbutcher97: Luke! Stop growing up!! Your uncle will be very sad if you do!! @tashaanoukbutch: tell me about it!! It's almost five years ago when i held him for the first time in my arms!! @anneliessbutcher_: oh stop crying, i had to watch you grow up too!! @janbutcher_: and you still cry over it, liefie! @anneliesebutcher: well I'm sorry that i feel old about the fact that we have a five years old grandson!! @tashaanoukbutch: mama! You're not old! How is 42 old!! @connersmith19: i feel like i have done nothing with my life seeing you! Anouk!! @tashaanoukbutch: why? Because I own a karting company? And have a son already? @connersmith19: yes! Anouk!! @emmavandijk99: wow! What is Luke probably happy!! @tashaanoukbutch: oh he is!! He got it this morning and he only got off for food and potty breaks! @janbutcher_: he is turning out like his father... @tashaanoukbutch: We. Do. Not. Speak. About. His. Father!!😡 @anneliesebutcher_: Het spijt ons liefie! @tashaanoukbutch: the only thing I tolerate is that he looks like his father!! @janbutcher_: you can't deny it for the rest of your life... @tashaanoukbutch: yes i can, and yes i will! @olivierbutcher97: wat een vieze teringlijer!! @tashaanoukbutch: who? @olivierbutcher97: Luke's dad!! @tashaanoukbutch: we don't speak about him! @olivierbutcher97: he is dating a woman who has a daughter!! @tashaanoukbutch: die gore vieze neukende zeekoe fuckende naakte dildo zuigende motherfuckende tyfus verspreidende teringlijer!! @connersmith19: i will kill this cock sucker!!