𝟚𝟘 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕒𝕡𝕡.

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Kelly: you still love her, don't you?

Max: who?


Why you ask?

Because you never looked at me the way you look at her!

That's bullshit! And you know that!!

Is it, max?


Because when she's around, I'm forgotten!!
You only have eyes for her!!

That's not true!!
I would never forget you!!
I just want to spend time with Luke!

Because as far as i can see...
You give her the fucking heart eyes!!
You liked her slutty post!!

She's not a slut!

Isn't she?
She's rich, Max!!
And the type to whore around!!

Did you have time to sleep around when Penelope was born??


Then how would she!!
She runs a multimillion company!!
She doesn't even have time to make friends other then the ones she already has and made through her company!!
Do you know how happy she is that i can look after Luke?
She has her hands so full that Luke has to stay with her parents for days!!
And when Luke can come! She's only working and taking care of him!
And i know Tasha better than you do and she was never the type to sleep around!!

But i know you lover her!!

You want the truth?


I do fucking love her!
she's my first love and i felt sick without her!
I didn't just break up with the mother of my child!
I broke up with the girl i wanted to marry!
But that was then! And I'm happily in a relationship with you! Why won't you get it! I love you and i want to be with you!

You will have to choose! It's me and no Luke or you choose Luke and her!!

Then i guess i will choose Luke...

Just like i thought!!
You love her more then me!!

No that's not what i said!
I said i will choose Luke because I'm not losing my child again!!
How would you feel if i told you to choose between me and Penelope?

I would choose Penelope!

Then how is my decision any different?

Because you will go back to her!!

She doesn't want me! Get that! She moved on! She only wanted closure and a dad for Luke!!

I don't believe you!!

Then you don't!
You know the way out!!


Just so you know!
I do love you and the end of our relationship is not because i want it! But because you don't believe me and don't trust me!

I don't believe you do!
Go back to that bitch and go fuck her or something!!


Go to that fucking whore and that bastard child that can rot in hell for all i care!!
She only wants you back and she only says that is your child!!
Whore and a one night stand baby!!

𝕄𝕒𝕩 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒.Where stories live. Discover now