no open fighting... sort of

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Louis' P.O.V.

When I woke Harry was still curled up asleep. I stretched and yawned while trying to make as little noise as possible.

It was then that I realised I really needed a shower. I grabbed my shower kit and a towel and headed towards the bathroom.

I stepped into the warm water and let out a sigh of relief. I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, tension I didn't  know I had seemed to just wash away with the water.

When I felt I was done, I stepped out of the shower and moved towards the door. As I reached for the knob, It swung open with such force that I stumbled backwards and Harry collased on top of me.

Our chests slide against each other from the wet of the shower and a heat washes over me.

Then I just feel winded.

I groaned loudly and Harry's eyes popped open wide.

"What the hell Harry! I would prefer if you didn't try to jump me as I leave the shower."

Harry's eyes went wider. I would have sworn they couldn't have gotten that wide.

Harry scrambled up and offered me his hand. "I'm sorry but next time lock the door or something or tell me when you are going to be in here"

"Hey! This isn't my fault! You were asleep! I was trying to be good rommate like we both agreed to be and let you sleep but next time I'll jump on your bed and make as much noise as possible just so you know i'm going for a shower"

I refused Harry's extended hand, rose quickly and headed back into the room.

Harry just looked at me in disbelief and closed the door behind me.

I  dried myself and dressed in my school uniform. I went over to the mirror to fix my hair swishing it to one side and messed it up to give it the right look.

I smiled at my reflection but frowned slightly at the fact the pants were a bit tight around my arse.

I headed out to class without waiting for Harry to reappear slamming the door as I left.

*** A few hours later***

I sprinted down the hallway towards the boys locker room.

I huffed in and began tearing off my clothes and shoving my uniform into my locker and fraticly put on my football gear.

As I was tying my laces of my cleats I finally looked up to see Niall looking at me smirking.

"What?" I asked as I finished with my right boot and started on the left..

"I never seen a faster strip tease ever, next time I better get my moneys worth!" Niall beamed wider.

"Oh I got my money's worth this morning" Harry chimed in.

I spun my head in his direction. 'Someone has got over his embarrassment then' I thought to myself.

"Oh Harry dearest don't worry next time you wanna little Louis love, you just have to ask, no need to jump me after a shower." I smirked at Harry's reaction. He seemed to just flip to anger for a second then recovered.

"Oh Loubear that towel didn't show off your lovely arse though. I mean you should really ask your mother why you have a woman's arse, so plump, a real handful? just a thought?"

I flinch slightly. "Good to know you've been staring. Now I'll make you check it out as I walk away from you, you little twat." I head out of the locker room towards the pitch, smirking as I hear Niall Cackling and Harry grumbling.

I concentrate on the ball, the drills and the coach but I can nearly can feel the death stare Harry is sending me from the goals.

"Tomlinson good job. Take shots on Styles now though" I groan inwardly but say nothing. I just take a football and make my way towards the goals.

Harry is still looking at me like he wants to kill me.

I smile widely then whack the ball as hard as i can. It hits Harry right on the nose and he recoils in pain. "Goal" I muttered to myself.

Harry stands up slowly and I swear he really looks like he really wants to kill me.

He looks hot when he's angry. I can admit it. But instead of worrying about that i just smirk as i dribble the ball towards the goal.

Harry darts towards me and slide tackles me.

I gasp in pain as I feel his cleats collide into my ankle.

"AHHHH!! You dickhead!!" I gasp in pain again holding onto my ankle.


I whip my head around and see Harry smirking. I launch myself at him.

"Oh no you don't" Liam runs up and prys me off Harry and Zayn holds back Harry, who isnt really looking at me he is looking towards the ground.

I follow his eyes and look down to see my ankle swelling and already turning a bit purple.

My eyes widen and I suddenly feel pain shooting from my ankle.

I wince and try put pressure on it but it just buckles.

"Harry take Louis to the nurse. Now. No questions just take him. The coach didn't see but he will be suspicious. If you take him he will at least think it was an accident." Liam said as he handed me over to Harry and him and Zayn jogged back towards the rest of the team.

"If you have broken my ankle, I will make sure I break your face." I say as Harry readjusts so he can half carry half drag me towards the nurses office.

"Don't worry, I'll let you."

I do a double take and stare at Harry directly in the eye.


"I said I'd let you. As much as I hate you the team needs you, you are like the best player. Apart from me of course" Harry says cheekily.

I smile despite myself. "Humble aren't we?"

Harry smiles looking relieved. "I am sorry though, I just lost it."

"To be honest though, I did belt you in the face so you kinda had a right to be angry.... so I'm sorry as well but I guess we are even as your nose is a funny colour to be honest"

Harry touches his nose with the hand that isn't supporting me and flinches. "well at least i can still play, even if you have damaged my pretty face." Harry chuckles.

I roll my eyes and let out a puff of air as we reach the nurses office and Harry rests me on the bed inside the office.

The nurse checks me out. Nothings broken just bruising thank god but I have to rest it for awhile.

When I tell Harry (who has been waiting outside) he relaxes a bit.

"I got you an ice pack and stuff.. Now lean on me we have got to get back to the room. You need rest apparently."

I sigh and lean towards Harry but stumble. Harry grips my shoulders but still ends up on his back with me sprawled  on top of him.

I keep my eyes closed expecting more pain but none comes so I open my eyes and I realised me and Harry's faces maybe an inch apart. Harry stares back at me.

"Are you ok? Can we kind of get up? I mean I can help you if you like?" Harry smirks when he sees me blush.

"Shut up Harry and just help me up you twat" I reply smiling shyly.

"OK OK lets just get back to the room." Harry says still smirking.

"For god sake stop smirking!" I huff which just makes Harry bark with laughter.

"better then fighting i guess" I think to myself.

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