gaming in nialls room

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Louis' P.O.V.

The next morning I woke to the feeling of a hand running through my hair.

I sighed in content and opened my eyes slowly tipping my head upwards.

"Alright LouBear?" Harry asked trying to mock my accent.

I squinted at him. "That was terrible. You're lucky you're warm or else I would have bolted by now or at least whacked you."

A massive smile cracked across Harry's face. "Well breakfast is soon so we have to get up and ready." He still was playing with my fringe and wasn't looking me in the eyes as he spoke, his gaze transfixed on my hair.

"Plus we have school and all that stuff" Harry added.

Suddenly I pushed him off me and bolted upright towards the bathroom.

Just before I went in, I turned to see Harry wide mouthed and staring at me in disbelief.

I couldn't help but laugh loudly and breathe out a "Yes!! First in the bathroom!" I stuck my tongue out at him and fist pumped the air as I slammed the door.

After I was finished in the bathroom Harry sprang from the bed and headed into the bathroom but not before slapping my ass earning a yelp and a scowl in response.

I pulled on my outfit for the day and grabbed my phone and keys just as Harry reappeared fully ready to go.

"C'mon Curly! We might get stuck in traffic or get hit by a flying elephant!" I through open the door and scurried down the hall hearing the footsteps of Harry behind me running to keep up with me.

Later that evening

Coach had let us off training and I was currently sitting in the lounge trying to read a book that was assigned by my English lit teacher.

I was just about getting my head around the plot when Harry plopped down on the couch next to me.

"Looooooouuuuuu I'm bored."

I don't even look up. "I'm reading Harry."

Harry sighed and moved my hands up in the air to make just enough room for him to place his head in my lap.

He snuggled his nose into my thigh and breathed out.

I automatically put a hand in his hair as I read while balancing the book on Harry's back and holding it in one hand.

Harry practically purred as I continued to tug his curls.

Someone clearing their throat made me cast my gaze away from the book.

"Alright Louis? Harry?" Zayn said sitting down in the armchair towards our left.

"Ya grand just reading the book for English lit." I replied.

Harry shifted on my lap and I looked down to see him giving an extremely puppy dog face.

"What's wrong young Harold?" I asked.

Harry said nothing just nudged his head into my hand.

I had stopped my hand movements and I chuckled slightly as I put my hand through his hair again.

Zayn looked at us with a smug smile.

"Sorry to break up the love nest but some of the lads were going to play fifa in Niall's room, you wanna come?" Zayn asked.

"No." Harry said shortly. He tucked himself further into me bringing his knees up to my side and practically curled me to entrap me.

I laughed louder this time and bent down so that I was almost eye to eye.

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