breakfast banter

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Louis' P.O.V.

I snuggled further into the warm slightly hard pillow i was sleeping on.

My pillow let out a snore and I jumped a little.

I looked up to see a sleeping, shirtless Harry.

Maybe it was 'cos I was tired or maybe it was 'cos I didn't care but I just snuggled further in and drifted back to sleep.

I awoke again with the sound of the door bursting open and Niall yelling loudly. "Alright lover boys up and-"

I looked up slightly still not lifting my head off Harry's chest.

"Oh I was only messing but I guess lover boys is what you are." Niall laughed loudly.

I winced and then heard Liam trudge into the room. "Niall have they got up-"

"Oh god maybe we should leave them at it. I mean.." Liam trialled off.

"Lads piss off there's nothing going on."

I turned to sit on the bed, turning away from Harry.

Harry whimpered and reached out for my waist tugging me back into bed.

"No... come back... warm..." Harry grumbled and I fell back into bed.

Zayn then made an appearance. "Louis do you wanna go-"

Zayn smirked at me as I tried to free myself from Harry's grip.

"Harry you're not helping this..." I nudged him in the ribs.

Harry winced and his eyes flung open. "Lou come on! No need to get violent! I just wanted you're warmth!"

I jerked my head towards the doorway which was full, containing a blushing Liam, and Niall and Zayn holding back laughter.

Harry's eyes widened and stumbled out of bed pushing me out in the process.

I landed with an 'umph' on the floor and Niall barked with laughter.

Between laughs he breathed out. "They... are... both... naked...." Niall was clutching his sides, bent over with laughter.

Zayn raised an eyebrow. "Looks like at least two of us got laid then. eh Tommo?"

"No one got laid!" I snapped back reaching out for a pillow to cover myself up with.

I glanced at Harry who was still wide eyed and clutching the blanket to his crotch in an attempt to remain somewhat modest.

Regaining some composure I said. "Ok now that most of my best friends have seem me naked and I'm feeling rather cold why don't we just say me and Harry will explain at breakfast, which you guys are buying for us by the way, and you meet us there in 15?"

Niall snorted. "Door was unlocked Tommo!" laughing again.

"Niall, the rule is if you're getting laid lock the door, we weren't hence breakfast is on you!" Harry barked out finally regaining his voice.

Niall huffed and left along with a sheepish looking Liam and Zayn looking rather smug.

When they closed the door Harry and I were silent for a moment then we both caught each others eyes, then burst out laughing.

After at least 2 minutes of side splitting laughter, I pipped out with "Ok ok breakfast... get dressed."

25 minutes later

".. So that's all that happened?" Zayn asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes you know I like a good cuddle especially when drunk Zaynikins." I said with a small smile.

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