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Danielle's P.O.V.

I closed up the shop just for the day to hang out with Yasmin, Penelope, Aria and Juliet at the mall while Asher and Jack have a guy's day in Ash's words. 

I got Aria and Penny new clothes while Juliet kept telling me that Penny doesn't need any more but hello it's an auntie thing. She did the same with Aria and then we went to restaurant that is in the mall. 

It was going great till we ran into Theodore and his slut of fiancée. Ugh! I can't stand either one of them. 

Aria came up to me grabbing my hand but was shocked when she saw her father but doesn't know that he is her father. 

She kept looking at him I mumble that it's not nice to stare at strangers and went back over to Yasmin, Penelope and Juliet and started enjoying our food from Applebee's. 

Juliet gave me that look like I need to tell Theo about Aria, but the thing is I don't want to. I don't want to lose my daughter. I don't want her anywhere near Sophie if she's going to be in the pictures. 

After sometimes I believe my brother that she's the reason behind all of this and Theo breaking my heart.  

I'm scared and to be honest it feels like someone is watching me and I mean it in a creepy way. When I turn around there is nothing there, but I know that what I'm thinking. My phone keeps getting these weird texts from this person. 

Can't wait for the day you will be out of the photo for good -Unknown 

I see you -Unknown 

I know where you live -Unknown 

Wait till there married and you will be dead -Unknown 

I will follow you wherever you go but you won't see me -Unknown 

Tell No one! You won't see that thing anymore and I will kill you early -Unknown 

I'm scared to tell my brother about these messages or to go to the police station knowing that I'm being follow and watch all the time. 

"mama are otay?" my daughter said looking at me worry 

"Of course, princess I'm good " I told my daughter with smile on my face. I don't want to worry her, and she wouldn't understand. 

Yasmin and Juliet gave me that look to tell them when we get back to the house. We left Applebee's and the mall got back into car went to Juliet's house. The little princesses fell asleep in their car seats. I look behind me to see that we are being follow by this mystery black car and it hasn't turn once. 

I mumbled to Yasmin and Juliet "guys we are being follow and it hasn't turn once" I said with worry in my voice. 

Somehow Juliet got behind the mystery black car and Yasmin wrote down the license plate numbers down on paper and then went hiding in alley to make sure that we won't be follow again. We had the doors lock and thankfully the car was able to fit and that nobody can see inside the car, but we can see outside.

Once we know we drove to the police station after me telling them not, but the girls are too stubborn. Juliet went inside to give the paper to the cops, and they came out we answer their questions that they had but I was scared to tell them about the messages that I was getting from this unknown person. 

We made it home without being followed and put the girls down for a nap. 

Juliet's P.O.V.

I know Dani is hiding something from me and her brother and I will find out what it is one way or another. 

My lovely husband and son came inside the house and quickly lock all the doors and windows. 

"What's going on!?" Yasmin, Dani and I said at once 

"We were being follow by this black mystery car I finally lost him when I pulled up into Dunkin Donuts " he told us making us girls eyes go wide. 

"I have to tell you all something" Danielle burst out saying with tears in her eyes. 

"We are being followed and watch because somebody has it out for me. This person keeps sending me text message that they want to kill me early, wait till there married then I'll be dead, tell no one, I will follow you wherever you go but you won't see me. I was scared to tell you guys and the police" Danielle said shaking in fear but telling the truth. 

"That's it Yasmin, Dani and Aria are not leaving this house you guys will be staying here till we get this person caught by the police I'll make sure of it " Asher said with a protective voice. 

Sophie's P.O.V.

Finally, my plan is coming together very nice, and Theo will never know that I hire my brother Hunter to kill and follow Danielle where she goes to. 

And do damage if he thinks that Danielle has gone too far.  I gave Hunter her number to send those messages I told him what to send her so she can be scared for her life. 

Now I need to find ways for that slut to work on my wedding if only Theo will stop talking about how much he still loves her. She's out of the picture get over it. Wait until it will be official that will be the best thing in my life. 

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