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Yasmin's P.O.V. 

I'm so happy that Danielle is alright, ever since I started working at her store, I always thought of her like sister to me. I lost my actual sister thanks to Hunter who murdered her the same away that he and Sophie killed Danielle's and Asher's parents. 

I wanted to help them as long as I can and get them the justice that they need to get Sophie and Hunter behind bars where they belong at. 

I'm so glad for Nick coming into my life when I need him, he actually knows Asher but lost contact with him when Asher graduated high school. 

We are doing a welcome home party for Dani and the look on Asher's face when he saw his long-time best friend was priceless. I'm so glad that Julis got it on video to post on Youtube later. 

Now all we have to do is wait for Danielle, Theo and Aria to get to the house and we can surprise them. When we heard the car pulled up, we all hide where we wanted to and had the lights off. 

Theo turned on the lights and we all shouted "surprise", or "welcome home" and Danielle was surprised. Aria hasn't even let go of Dani at all. 

Poor little babe is scared of losing her mom specially seeing it be done right in front of her is heartbreaking. Aria told us that she gets images in her head about it is happening over and over again. It even scared her out of her sleep where she would go and stay with her dad. 

We all went up to Danielle and gave her hugs and telling her how glad we are that she's home and safe. 

Later that night after we left Juliet and Asher's house Nick and I went on a date to get tacos. Usually, I don't eat them unless I'm craving them, or something is happening to me. For the past week all I wanted is a soft taco. My breast has gotten bigger and have been hurting and beside tacos I been getting different food cravings. Could I be pregnant? 

What if I'm pregnant? Will Nick stay with me, or will he leave me? 

I love him too much 

He has help me with so much that I'm thankful. He saved my life when it was in hell. He understands me like no other. 

"I'll be right back baby got to use the bathroom" I told him and went to the bathroom did my business, but I also took a pregnancy test. When I was done, I wash my hands and waited for the test results. 

After the 5 minutes I look at it and I couldn't believe my eyes I'm pregnant. I cried happily and exit the bathroom going back over to Nick, but I didn't see him in the chair. 

Where I saw him is on one knee holding a ring box in his hands.

 I can't believe it! 

He's proposing to me! 

I'm so in shock but a happy shock with tears falling down my face. 

I look around to see everyone with their phones out recording this 

"Yas, we have been through lot, I remember finding you outside this place with tears falling down your gorgeous face sad, hurting and hungry. I did what I had to rebuild that happiness. I'm sorry about what happen in the past but that only lead you to me and to give you the life you deserve. Which is me giving you the love that you always wanted and needed. I know after you lost your sister Avery that you always wanted another sister. I'm glad to tell you that your wish is coming true babygirl, but you do have another sister. I did some research it turns out that you are related Juliet Hood-Brown. Back to what I was saying my love I'm glad you came into my life. I want to have kids with you and you being the mum to our children. I just want to myself as your husband. Yasmin Taylor Carter-Hood will you do me the honor of marrying me?" he asks me with tears falling down my face. 

"YES! Baby that's not all" I shouted out loud and then whisper in his ear and showed him the positive pregnancy test.

"I'm going to be a dad" he shouted making cheer even more louder picking me up 

But what I couldn't believe is that I have another sister all this long! 

I kiss Nick as hard as I can showing my emotions into is while he slips the ring on my finger. 

He paid for the check and facetime with the people that I called family. When Nick and I got to Juliet and Asher facetime I saw the tears that were coming out of Juliet's eyes. I guess Asher told her about her and I being sisters. 

"Hi, my dear sister" Juliet said with a happy smile on her face 

"Hey sissy" I said with a big smile on face to "We got some news for you guys " Nick said giving off the big grin.  

I showed them the ring on my finger making Asher squeal like a girl getting a good laugh from Juliet, Nick and I. 

"But that's not all auntie Juliet and uncle Asher" I said hoping that they get the message. I look at them until Juliet shouted out loud. 

"OH MY GOSH YOUR PREGNANT!" Juliet shouted making me nod my head yes. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm Auntie!" Juliet cheered doing a happy dance making giggle at her. 

After Nick and I got done video chatting we went back to the house and laid bed. I pulled out my phone and sent Danielle. 

To Danielle: 

Please do my wedding and I need to ask you and Juliet something tomorrow 

From Danielle to Yasmin: 

Of course, girl! See you tomorrow! love ya 

To Danielle: 

Love ya to babe 

With that I laid in Nick's arms falling asleep quickly with a big goofy grin on my face. 

Nick's P.O.V.

I'm so damn excited! 

I'm with the girl I love! 

Proposed to her last night only to get another excitement news in my life that I'm going to be a dad. I have always dream about this. 

I saw my long-time best friend Asher and Asher's wife happens to be my loves long time sister that she didn't know about. 

I helped Theo show by papers what Sophie's true colors were and he dump that slut and now he's happy with his girlfriend Danielle and their child Aria. 

Life is going amazing for everyone

(Yasmin's Ring) 

(Yasmin's Ring) 

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