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  "Charlie," Travis turned on the light in the hallway as the door closed behind her, so Charlie sighed and turned around to look at him.
"It looks like she meant to stay the night," He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down the hallway, so Charlie narrowed his eyes and walked over. When he saw the pillow and blankets on the floor at the end of the hall, though, his eyes widened.
"Shit," He whirled around and jogged towards the door. Of course she didn't have a place to stay. He'd practically kicked her out of his apartment without even realizing that she wouldn't have anywhere else to go.
"Charlie, where are you going?" Ted called after him.
"To find her," Charlie pulled open the door and rushed out of the apartment, letting the door shut behind him as he hurried down the hall. "Santana!"
But she wasn't anywhere to be seen. He even left the building, glancing around in hopes that she was out there.
"She couldn't have gotten far," He muttered to himself. "Santana—"
A hand covered his mouth as he tried calling her name once again, cutting him off as he was once again pushed against the brick wall.
"Keep your voice down," She hissed, and he noticed her hood was already down. "I seriously regret telling you my name."
She took her hand away, so he spoke.
"You don't have a place to stay tonight," Charlie muttered. "Do you?"
"I never said that."
"So what explains the blankets on the floor?"
Charlie stayed leaning against the wall, since she was very close to him. So close, she had to look up in order to search his eyes.
She realized this, too, because she stepped back. "Okay, okay. I had an…altercation with my roommate and got kicked out. Your place was close, so I figured I'd sneak in and rest up before going back for my stuff and meeting up with Razor a few blocks down in the morning. Sorry."
Charlie bit the inside of his cheek, but the question escaped his lips anyway. "Razor? What kind of name is that?"
"I don't know his real name," She raised an eyebrow. "Remember? It's better for all of my acquaintances that it stays that way. I call him Razor because that’s what he prefers people to call him."
"That's a thoughtful nickname," Charlie chuckled, trying to lighten up the situation, but she wasn't having it.
"Charlie!" He heard Ted’s loud voice calling out as he rushed out of the building. His fists were clenched, but when he turned and saw that he was alright, he let out a breath. "Thank fuck. It sounded like you got kidnapped or something."
"Well, I'm fine," Charlie looked back over at Santana, whose fists were also clenched as she warily eyed Ted. Charlie cleared his throat. "Do you still need a place to stay tonight?"
"No," She scoffed. "No. I was...hoping you wouldn't be home when I made that decision. But since you are, I'll find somewhere else."
"I don't mind," He blurted. "Erm, you know, I don't mind helping people. If you need it, I'm here."
She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "You don't know what I am. You should learn not to trust people so easily."
"She's right, Charlie," Ted stated. "Let's go inside."
Charlie frowned. "Stay the night, Santana. I'll never get over it if you don't."
"What makes you think I trust you?" She spat.
"Why else would you still be standing here?"
She rolled her eyes, but didn't walk away like he expected. Her glare pierced through his skull as she considered his offer.
"Fuck it," She shrugged and looked away, bringing some of her long hair over her shoulders to cover part of her face. "Sure."
Charlie smirked, but quickly pressed it down as he pushed himself away from the wall. She strode back inside, but Ted shoved his hands in his pockets and watched her.
"This is a horrible idea. She could steal something while we sleep, or kill us."
"You're overreacting," Charlie nervously rubbed the back of his neck, though, realizing that he was right. "I'll stay awake tonight. I have some videos to edit anyway."
"The whole point of us staying here was to make sure you got some sleep—"
"I'll be fine, Ted," Charlie patted his shoulder and hurried away, making sure to catch up with Santana before she barged into the apartment and gave Travis a heart attack.
"So," She cleared her throat as she looked over at him. "I take it you didn't think this through? Your friends are staying here, so there's no room."
"Well, my guest room is full, but I don't plan on sleeping tonight if you want to take my bed," Charlie shrugged as if what he just said wasn't the most embarrassing thing in his life. "Otherwise, I'm sure one of them wouldn't mind taking the floor."
She grabbed his wrist suddenly and looked down at his watch, sighing. "Christ. It's already 2 AM?"
Charlie opened the door to his apartment and nodded, resisting the urge to yawn. He had to stay awake.
As they walked inside, Travis was sprawled out on one of the couches, already snoring quietly with a blanket loosely draped over him. Santana wrapped her arms around herself and glanced around, eyeing every little thing. She'd wiped the dried blood off of her nose, but now that she was in the light Charlie noticed a bruise on her cheek.
"So what’s it going to be?" He asked. "If you want, I can clear out the guest room real quick—"
"Whatever you want," She shrugged, refusing to look at him and instead taking a step towards the wall that had his YouTube plaques, reaching up tentatively to touch one but pulling away before she did. "So you're famous?"
He shrugged. "Depends on who you ask. Just, stay here. I'll take some things out of the guest room."
"Okay," Her voice was much quieter than normal, but he didn't say anything about it as he walked past her, down the hall and began to move the clutter from the guest bedroom and into the office.
As he finished making the bed, he turned to look at the door, smiling kindly at her when he saw she was leaning against the frame. She was staring at every little thing, brushing her fingers along the dresser before stopping at a picture of Charlie and the guys. It was the picture they took when they all met up for the first time. She picked it up carefully and looked down at it.
"Those are my friends," He fluffed the pillow before stepping back. "Uh, here you go."
She was very quiet as she took in her surroundings, and Charlie noticed her bite her lip.
"This is...a lot," She finally spoke, setting the picture back in its place before looking down at her feet. "I don't like it."
"Oh," He mentally cursed, looking around. "I tried my best to clear it out, but I can—"
"No, no, it's nice," She looked up at him. "Just different. I don't like being a charity case. Uh…can you tell me I can leave so I feel like I have a choice? So I feel like I have options?"
He took a deep breath in and nodded, going over to the door of the room as she sat down on the bed. He did as she asked. "You're free to leave if you don't like it."
She smirked, but it was almost sad. "Thanks."
Charlie nodded, turning off the light in the room before quietly closing the door and making his way back to the living room. Ted was laying on the other couch, and he'd also fallen asleep.
Charlie rubbed his eyes and went into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water and looking down at his phone.
He set his glasses down on the counter and tiredly rubbed his face in his hands, attempting to keep himself awake.
"Tired?" Her voice came from right in front of him, making him jump.
"Oh, uh," He put his glasses back on his face. "No. I'm always up at this time."
She frowned, jumping up so she was sitting on the counter facing him. "I can't sleep."
Charlie's eyebrows raised at that, but she dismissed it as she folded her hands in her lap, looking anywhere but at him.
"I mean, I'm sure sleeping in leather doesn't help," Charlie shrugged and took a drink of water. "I have more comfortable clothes if you want."
"I'll manage," She shook her head. "I'm just not tired."
That'd make one of us.
She reached next to her, swiftly picking up the novel that he had on the counter and looking down at it in her hands.
"What's this?"
He shrugged again. "Just a book. You can read it if you can't sleep, it's a good read."
"You've read it?" She turned it over so she could view the cover.
"Of course I have," Charlie leaned forward on the counter, leaning his elbows on the quartz and resting his chin in his hand. "So. This…'altercation' you had. Did you win?"
She held up the back of her hand as she read the description of her book, showing off the bruises and scabs on the knuckles. "Does this answer your question?"
"Not really."
She chuckled at that, looking over and into his eyes. "Look, I appreciate you caring, Glasses, but I'm fine. Big Bird had a point. You shouldn't trust me."
He narrowed his eyes. "Big...Bird?"
She nodded towards the living room with a smirk. "Your friend over there. The muscley one. He's Big Bird because he flipped me the bird behind your back, and he's tall."
Charlie chuckled awkwardly. That definitely sounded like Ted. "I'm not sure I can keep up with all these nicknames."
"Well, too bad," She turned back to the book and opened it to the first page. "That's just how it is."
Charlie turned away from her when he felt a yawn threaten to escape his lips, and he covered his mouth with his hand as he did.
"Well, I think I'll just take this back into your guest room," She held up the book and hopped off the counter. "I just figured I'd say goodbye now, since I'll be gone before you wake up."
Charlie tried not to be disappointed when she said that, and instead opted on saying something clever. "The book stays. That way you have a reason to come back."
She smirked at that. "Am I just that interesting? Fine, but I hope you don't expect me to knock every time."
He chuckled. "I wouldn't expect anything else from you. Just try to make sure I'm home next time."
"We'll see."

Two chapters in one day?? Yay!!!

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