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A/N Yep, the book's over. BUT! I am much more proud of the next one (which just so happens to be about Ted) so stay tuned and enjoy this teaser :)

Santana slouched down onto the couch of her new apartment. Charlie had given her some furniture to get by, and she didn't mind the bare walls. It was home. Her home.

She'd been working nonstop to get enough money. Charlie was so supportive of her, too, and every night he'd be awake to ask how her days were. It was cheesy, but cute. She looked forward to it after the long summer day.

She smiled at the picture she had of the two of them, holding the frame in her hands. Charlie had gone back to Vermont for a week to visit his family, and though he'd practically begged Santana to go with him, she politely declined. She'd changed, but she wasn't completely normal yet. She needed more time.

"He's cute," There was a voice from the shadows behind Santana, causing her to spring into action and shoot to her feet. She clenched her fists, going into full attack mode as if her roots never left her.

"What the hell?" She cursed, looking around.

"He's no Oz, but he's...cute. Seems like your type. Nerdy, right? But muscley enough to get the job done, I'm sure."

Santana's shoulders slumped once she recognized the feminine voice. She let her guard down, because she knew she could easily take the intruder in a fight.

"How did you get in here, Aspen?"

"Shh!" Aspen hissed, stepping into the light. "Shut up! Don't call me that."

Santana rolled her eyes at the blonde, crossing her arms. "You don't scare me."

Aspen scoffed. "Of course not. Razor won't stop bragging about how badass you were. You really were the only one that could've taken him in a fight. But I'll bet I could beat your ass to the floor."

"You're doing a lot of talking, considering you're still hugging the corner," Santana challenged, stepping towards Aspen. Sure enough, Aspen stepped back, not breaking eye contact. "Once a pussy, always one. That's what Razor says about you."

Aspen glared at Santana, lunging at her in an attempt to catch her off guard. Santana ducked out of the way skillfully, though, grabbing Aspen's collar and throwing her to the ground.

Aspen was quick to react. She twisted so that her legs hooked the back of Santana's, making her lose her balance until both of them were on the floor.

Aspen threw the first punch. Santana snarled when her fist made contact with her face, and she didn't hesitate to throw a much harder one at Aspen.

Aspen shouted, reaching a hand up and yanking Santana down by her hair when she tried to get up. Aspen used her free hand to grab the lamp on the table and smash it against Santana's head.

Santana cursed and twisted so she was underneath Aspen, putting her in a headlock and using her legs to keep her from struggling.

"Just tap out," Santana grinned as Aspen furiously tried to struggle.

"No!" Aspen spat, kicking but to no avail.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm not talking—"

Santana tightened her grip. "Why? Are? You? Here?"

Aspen, struggling to breathe at that point, shouted. "Because I need your help, okay?! Dammit, let go of me!"

Santana's grip loosened, surprised, and it was enough for Aspen to scramble away from her. Aspen got on her hands and knees, rubbing her throat with one hand as she glared at Santana.

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