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"I'm home!" Santana called, knowing Charlie would be awake and waiting for her.

Charlie smiled and stood from his spot on the couch. "How was it?"

She giggled, rolling her eyes and brushing off her uniform. The waitress uniforms were simple; a tight black skirt and white blouse.

"My first day was last week," She leaned forward and pecked his lips. "So better. I think I'm getting the hang of this."

"That's great," Charlie still was in shock about their relationship. It was like something out of a fairy tale. "I've been looking into apartments close by, like you asked. Though I don't understand why you don't just want to stay with me—"

"This is part of my new life, Charlie," She smirked. "As flattered as I am, I want to spend at least a few months with a place to call my own."

Charlie sighed dramatically. "Fine. I guess that's okay."

Santana shoved him playfully. "It's so weird when you do that. It's like your on-camera personality stayed after-hours."

He chuckled. "I know. What can I say? I'm an influencer."

"Anyway," She swiftly changed the subject, smiling and shaking her head. "I ordered pizza, if that's okay. I think Ted said you invited him and Schlatt over again."

"I did," Charlie admitted. "I thought we all could watch a movie or something, since you've had a long day."

"You're adorable," She teased. "I guess I can tolerate your friends long enough to watch a movie."

"You know you love them," Charlie smiled. "At least, Ted."

She shrugged, trying not to smirk. "Schlatt's okay, too, I guess."

"Come sit with me," Charlie wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, swaying back and forth dramatically and making her laugh. She tried pushing herself away.

"Okay! Okay," She shoved out of his grip with a smile. He led her to the couch and didn't waste any time in slinging an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close.

She leaned her head against his shoulder, training her eyes on the screen. Charlie constantly glanced down at her, knowing she knew he was watching her.

"You don't have to ask permission every time you want to kiss me, Charlie," She said, turning to meet his eyes. He smiled sheepishly, adjusting his glasses before nodding. He leaned down and placed his lips on hers, to which she returned happily.

As their lips danced together, Charlie could only think about just how happy he really was, with the last person he would expect.

He really loved her. He loved the girl that for so long was only a shadow in the night.

And he knew she loved him, too.

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