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It was around 8 AM when Charlie woke up. His apartment was filled with light, so he yawned and stood to his feet. 

  As he made his way out and into the hallway, he instinctively looked over at the guest room. The door was closed, so he sighed and opened it. 

  His eyebrows jumped up in surprise when he saw her there, curled up on the bed, asleep. She hadn't even gotten underneath the covers. 

  Some of her hair fell over her face, and her chest rose and fell evenly as she breathed in and out. She looked so peaceful. 

  Charlie sighed. 

  What am I going to do?

  He was very surprised that she was still there. It was 8 AM after all. She was always gone before he woke up. 

  He quietly stepped into the room, wondering if she always slept without the blankets. A part of him assumed she didn't whenever she was at his apartment, because she felt that she'd ruin them or something. 

  He sighed and reached into the closet, getting a small blanket and draping it over her. 

  Charlie didn't want to leave her there by herself, but he had to go. He wanted to tell her it was okay if she stayed. He wanted to tell her that he didn't want to see her beat up again, and how it'd be better if she just stayed with him. 

  But he knew she'd decline. 

  She wanted it to be her choice. 

  So he came up with a plan.

  He pulled out a piece of paper and began writing a note to her, being careful with what he said. 

  -had to leave for work. there's eggs in the fridge and bread in the pantry. help yourself to whatever you want, and the TV remote is in the drawer in the coffee table.

  There. He gave her the option to watch TV, but made it seem subtle so she didn't feel like a charity case.

  It was difficult. When trying to talk to her, it was like stepping around broken glass. One wrong move and she'd snap. 

  But Charlie didn't mind the challenge.

  She stirred in her sleep, making his heart jump as he quickly stood to his feet. She pulled the blanket that he'd given her over her shoulders, which were already covered by the white hoodie she was wearing. 

  "Don't go," She murmured. Charlie frowned, unaware that she talked in her sleep. He wondered who she was talking to. But her eyes fluttered open and she stared into his own. She spoke tiredly. "Please?"

  "Uh…" He held the note in his hands, not sure if she was in her right mind or still groggy from just waking up. "I have to."

  She closed her eyes once again, reaching up and grabbing a pillow before hugging it to her chest and burying her face in it. Her words were muffled. "Okay. See you later, Glasses."

  Charlie let out a nervous breath, surprised by this new, soft side to her. He knew it was only because she was tired, but he took advantage of it and spoke. 

  "Will you be here when I come back?"

  "Maybe," She hummed. "Hey, if you go into my jacket pocket there's ten dollars in there. Can you take it and buy me a drink? I'm talking about something with a lot of alcohol."

  Charlie smirked, but her eyes were still closed. He wasn't going to take her money, so he lied. "Okay. Get some rest."

  "This doesn't mean I trust you, by the way," She stated. "This is only because I'm desperate."

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