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Phoenix stood outside the door, listening to his father argue with his officers. He looked around the netherbrick and quartz hall, examining the tapestries that hung from the tinted glass windows. Outside, his hellish kingdom stood empty, all the subjects downstairs, waiting for the coronation to start, even though it was a few hours until it did.

The large doors to the war room opened, and his father strode out. The Wither Skeleton stared at his son as he passed, chased by the lords of the Nether Mobs. "Sire, he isn't ready yet! He's too young!" the piglin lord said timidly.

"He's 23!" the king roared, annoyed. The other lords fell silent.

"Listen. It's a tradition that any Nether prince is crowned at his age. I'm crumbling, and only my son can be king. We aren't like the other realms. We don't have regents. Our empire is based on strength. If Phoenix fails, then his is weak. Kingship is a test. And Phoenix is ready. I made sure of that. He's strong. He is ready to be coronated."

Nobody argued. The procession stopped at the end of the hall, and the king turned to his son. "Phoenix, go to your dressing room. The servants will get you into the regalia and your coronation outfit."

The young man nodded and bowed to his father as he passed. Phoenix radiated confidence. His build, posture, expressions... he was a true prince. But alone, Phoenix was the opposite. He couldn't stop thinking of his old life... when he had human friends... when he saw a blue sky... when he was still Tommy.


Phoenix shook any thoughts from his head as he kneeled before the podium in the chapel. The Wither King stood before him. "Phoenox Naltrom... will you guard your kingdom, through all that will come, through times of war and times of peace, through famine and celebration, through suffering and sacrifice?"

Phoenix closed his eyes. The time had come, after five years of training. "I... I will, I swear by XD and the god Prime.

A cold metal object rested on his long blonde hair, and for a moment all he could see was white. He felt taller, stronger... he felt powerful. He reached out and tethered everything in the kingdom, pulling them from his father's web and weaving it into his own. He was the Nether. He was the Nether.

"Kneel a prince, rise a king."

Phoenix stood and turned to the crowd, watching them cheer. He couldn't help but smile. He could feel the crown of charred bones against his skull, and it felt wonderful.

"Phoenix," a voice said. He turned to find his father, their structure crumbling. "I'm proud. Make me prouder."

The king fell to the ground, just a pile of bones and armour. Phoenix inhaled sharply, then smiled. His dad was with XD now.

He turned, about to join the festivities, when-


The door to the main hall swung open, and two piglin brutes stormed in, holding a struggling human between them.

Phoenix rushed down the isle and stopped before the guards. "Who is this?"

"We don't know, sir," one said. "We found him in the royale bastion, presumably looking for the regalia."

Phoenix looked down at the human. "Is this true?"


Phoenix reached over and grabbed the human by the throat, lifting him off the ground and examining him. He had floppy orange-red hair and a tail with a bit of white at the end. When his hair moved aside, the king could see fox ears that twitched at every slight sound. But something about his eyes... those warm brown eyes... something familiar...

A name...

Phoenix dropped the man, who fell to the ground, coughing. He curled into a ball, his teeth bared. He was obviously trembling.

Phoenix stumbled back, his hand over his mouth. His best friend's son... Fundy Soot.

The king rubbed his forehead, then approached the quivering mass of orange. He ran his hand through Fundy's hair, then slowly moved his palm down to rest against the fox's cheek. Fundy stopped struggling and looked up at the young man, confused. Phoenix took a deep breath and took off his crown.

Hi red eyes turned blue. His posture slumped. His tan face melted into a rosy pale. Tommy stood before Fundy, the only difference his uniform and long, straight hair. Fundy squinted, then gasped out loud. "Tommy...?"

"Fundy, leave here before I must kill you. It's not safe in the Nether for you. I don't want you hurt," Tommy whispered.


"Fundy, enough..." Tommy mumbled.


"ENOUGH!" Phoenix roared. Fundy's ears curled back in fear, pressing against his hair. Phoenix sighed, picking up his corwn. Immediately, his appearance changed. Now the Nether King stood before the fox.

"Leave. Now."

Fundy scrambled to his feet, running for the door and fleeing the castle. Phoenix calmed down. Then he turned to the crowd. "Reuniuns, am I right? Don't worry about him, he won't bother our kingdom anymore. He was just an old aquaintance of mine."

The guests were quiet for a moment, then started to talk again, quieter this time. Phoenix could feel the uneasiness in the air. Finally, he left the hall, disappearing into the rest of the castle. He had to do something. Fundy would spread the word, and soon his life he had worked so hard for would shatter. He didn't want to go back to the SMP, now that he thought about it. Too many memories... to many nightmares, too many wars... too many promises that were never kept. At least in the hellish dimension he called home, all he had been promised was given to him. And all the promises he made were able to be fulfilled.

He passed the blaze lord in the hall. "Sire..."

"I'm going to bed. Please make sure my servants get me up on time. I want to tour the kingdom, to note the problems that need fixing. Goodnight, my lord."

The blaze stared at his king. Something was up. What was it?

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