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Techno had seen it all. Part piglin, he was required to watch the coronation. He hadn't not been to the Nether Palace since the last king was coronated, 85 years ago. He watched silently from the back of the crowd, and was shocked when Tommy, the boy who had gone missing, walked down the isle and was crowned. He was even more surprised when Fundy came in and Tommy confronted him. As soon as Tommy left, he slipped away.

Now Techno ran through the town, chasing the fox's trail. He found Fundy outside the kingdom's gates, trembling against the stone wall that bordered it.

"Fundy," Techno addressed the adult. Fundy whipped his head toward Techno, eyes filled with fear.

"Techno!" he shouted when he saw the piglin hybrid. "Techno, that was- he- Tommy!"

"Shh. Who you saw was indeed Tommy. But he is the Nether King now. We can't address him by his regular name. His royale name is Phoenix."

Fundy struggled for words. "W-we--"

"We have to get him back to the server, I know. That would be your first thought, wouldn't it? But that might be a big mistake. What will happen? Everyone thinks Tom- Phoenix is dead. What will they do if they see him? Tubbo is still grieving. It could drive him mad!" Technoblade whispered.

"Techno, we have to! He belongs to the server! Dream is in prison, he won't be harmed."

Techno sighed. "Fine. But we have to keep this secret from the other realms. The Nether is vengeful. If Phoenix is gone for too long, they will start to worry. They won't rest until they find him, and when they do, they'll make his captors sorry."

Fundy nodded. "But how do we get him out of the palace?"

"I used to be a lord in the castle. I know it front and back. The secret passages, the unguarded halls, everything. I can get Phoenix out, but I'll need your help."

Fundy nodded once more. "I'll do anything."


Phoenix awoke to a thump in his room. Everything was dark, but as his eyes adjusted, he could make out silhouettes of everything in his room. Nothing was out of place. He sighed and pulled his covers up to his nose, closing his eyes-

Something moved in the corner of his eye.

The king sat up straight, looking around him. He slowly got out of bed and crossed his room. He opened a cupboard and pulled out a chunk of glowstone. The ore lit up his room, and he turned this way and that, looking around. Nothing was there.

A hand reached out from behind him and cupped its palm over his mouth. Another hand grabbed his arms and bound them behind his back. Phoenix struggled, his shouts muffled by the hand. He bent his elbow and shoved it unto what he knew was a person's chest, and he heard a grunt, but whoever or whatever was holding him still didn't loosen their grip. He tilted his head up, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person, but a fist smashed into his temple.

Phoenix's vision grew hazy, and his legs gave way. He fell to the floor, struggling to stay awake. He could see the outline of a large person and a fox hybrid. Fundy. Phoenix opened his mouth to yell at the man, but his words slurred together, and all he could do was mumble something unintelligible.

"Your Majesty, you need to stay awake. I'm pretty sure Fundy just gave you a concussion." The voice was muffled and sounded far away, but Phoenix knew who was speaking. Great. Techno was here.

Phoenix was pulled to his feet and slung over Technoblade's shoulder. The pair of kidnappers exited the room along with their prize, silently running down the hallway till they reached a bookcase. Techno pushed it aside to reveal a secret staircase, and they stepped onto the first stair. Techno grabbed the bookshelf and dragged it in front of the entrance, hiding their escape route. Then they ran down the stairs and into darkness, stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

Phoenix's eyelids grew heavy, and he almost fell asleep until Fundy knocked his knuckles against the king's forehead. Finally, after what seemed like hours of silence,  Fundy spoke. "It's alright now, Your Majesty. Go to sleep, and when you awake, you'll be Tommy again."

Phoenix glared at Fundy, but soon his body refused to work and he lost consciousness.

Fundy sighed as the man's eyes closed. "This doesn't feel right."

"Seriously, Fundy? You married the greatest villain of all time and you kidnapped and attempted to execute me, yet you don't feel right?"

"It's been five years, ok? Stop yelling at me."

Techno rolled his eyes. "Let's just get to the portal highway."

Fundy grunted in agreement. They felt along the wall till they found a door, and quietly snuck away from the castle and toward the highway.

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